Auto Replier (v1.2B)

By [LC] Accident
Date: 06-04-2004




Auto Replier V1.2B Readme

File Name: Auto Replier 1.2B
Developer: $accident$
Build Date: Sunday April 26, 2004
Installation: Extract all the files to the same location. Anywhere you prefer. You will need the VB6 runtime files

Comments: If you find any bugs or have suggestions email me or contact me on msn ( or by email.

What's new in V1.2B

-Some Code Optimization
-User has option of viewing the playlist at the side or at the bottom
This will allow people who have their desktop resolutions set to 800x600 to
now modify the playlist
-Added !commands to list all available commands in the console
-Added in game !now function to display system date and time
-Added playlist menu bar
-Fixed the /clear bug; it no longer spams the console.
-The self inflicting death will now work with female skins
-End of duel messages now work correctly with people who have long names (I think..)
-Fixed the bug where the playlist would sometimes not play the selected song
-Randomized the time at when the round end messages appear;
this will hopefully make it so the messages will appear more often

What's new in V1.2
-Some bug fixes
-People can no longer take over your Auto Replier (hopefully)
-Save Multiple Playlists
-User can choose wheather or not the "Currently Playing" will be displayed
when they play a song
-Added some dll's to the zip that I forgot to add in previous versions

What's new in V1.1
-New MP3/WAV/WMA Player
-Anti Hello Spam
-Auto Name Detection


How To Use:
You can enter any messages into the Duel engage, duel won, and duel lost. TO do colors you would use the ^3 and whatnot characters.
Type %d to insert the person your dueling into the message, and type %s to insert your name into the message (although I dont see why you would want to use %s)
You can save and load the messages to wherever u want by using the file menu.
In the customize messages menu, you can enable/disable any of the custom messages you want. In the greeting message, you can insert %d for the person who entered the game.

You can load saved files from in game by typing !load <filename>
So for example lets say I saved a file as main.arp I could load this file from in game by typing !load main (do not type in the .arp)

Click the Playlist button to set up a Playlist (you can make it appear at the side by unclicking the "show playlist on bottom" checkbox.)
You can add a whole folder of songs by clicking the folder button, or a single song at a time by the song button.
You can save your playlist by clicking the corresponding button.

In Game Commands

*Note, dont type the <> part in any of the following commands, this is just to show where the user input is required.

!commands ---> Displays all the available commands with description
!now ---> Displays the system date and time
!load <filename> ---> Loads the file that has the replies. So for example lets say I saved a file as main.arp I could load this file from in game by typing !load main (do not type in the .arp)
!playlist <filename> --> Loads the playlist file.
!replyOff ---> turns off the program
!replyon ---> turns the program on
(Note: the program is initially in 'On' state)

!listsongs ---> Lists all the songs in playlist. Please note, this command is a bit buggy and will sometimes clear the console after doing this. Also, the columns are messy :/
!play <part of song name> ---> Will play the song you typed. You can type !play auth to start the song "Points Of Authority". Also, just typing !play on its own will bring it out of pause state.
!pause ---> Pauses the current song. type !play to start it again
!stop ---> Stops the playback of the current song.
!next ---> Goes to the next song in the playlist.
!prev ---> Goes to the previous song in the playlist.
!vol <#> ---> To change the volume. 0 is the lowest, and 20 is the loudest. The program defaults to 15

!mini ---> minimizes the game instantly. A button will appear on the main form for you to press to return you back to the game.

Brent Douglas. This guy provided the code on how to actually communicate with the quake 3 console.. I just had to modify it so it would communicate with
JKA's. Without him, I would not of been able to do this.

I would also like to thank [LC] TK-8252 for helping me test the crap out of my program. We went threw endless duels and whatnot to get it working.
He also was the one who told me to make it:p
Also, I would like to thank all the clients on the server that I was testing my program for baring with me for the endless spam I went threw to test the different commands.

Known Bugs:
THis program is not programed for the XMOD admin mod servers. XMOD has changed some of the duel win and lose messages, and my program does not interpret them. However, all the rest of the commands should work fine.
This program works fine under base servers, ja+ servers, and JAR servers.

If you find any bugs, please inform me of them and ill try to fix them.

Legal Stuff:
Yeah I know no one reads this.. but whatever..
I am in no way responsible for any harm this program may cause, even
though the odds of that happening are insignificant. You may freely
distribute the EXE, so long as this ReadMe (along with the program) remains with it,
intact, and unmodified.

This program is not supported by id, RavenSoft, or LucasArts.

Jedi Academy is a trademark of Raven Software,

Star Wars Jedi Knight are trademarks of LucasArts Entertainment/LucasFilm Inc