NPC Tool Open Beta

New version available! Find it here.

By Kal El
Date: 01-13-2004




NPCTOOL Open Beta for Star Wars: Jedi Academy
by Kal El and Leslie Judge

Q: What is this?

A: It's a GUI based tool for creating/editing and
saving NPC's for use in Star Wars Jedi Academy.
It has pk3 support, checks for errors and has
template features. Check the Features/changelist
for a more complete list of features.

Q: Why should I use this? Isn't creating NPC's easy?

A: It might be easy for you, but not everyone is as
talented as you ;). Even Raven made some mistakes
in their NPC files. This tool should make it even
easier and stop you from making any mistakes.

Q: How do I use this?

A: Unpack the NPCtool directory anywhere you want and
doubleclick NPCTool- to start the
program. The tool will ask you to specify the
location of the Jedi Academy base directory. If
you don't have Jedi Academy installed, you can't
run the program. Once the program is started, look
around and try to figure it out, it should be
pretty easy to use. We'll be making a help/tutorial
file for the final version, but that would be a
lot easier when we've got some feedback from the

Q: It looks complete enough, why a BETA?

A: There's only so much testing we can do and large
group of BETA testers can find a lot more bugs
a lot faster than we can. It will also help us
creating a tutorial/helpfile when we get some feedback.

BETA Feedback/Contact information
We want as much feedback as we can get. Report any bugs,
or things you just don't like to: or

Make sure you put "NPCtool BETA comment" into the subject,
so we can find your mail through all the spam. Also make
sure that your comments are in understandable english.

If you can't figure out how to use it, let us know.
Even if you like the tool and have nothing negative
to say about, let us know. Every little bit helps.


- Mod: Template menu now has history as the file menu
and the handling was altered a bit.

- Add: There's now custom PK3 support (from base and
MOD folder too) for models, skins, skin icons, weapons,
sabers, sounds. That means everything the program

- Fix: Sabers with default values other than the standard
default values (length 40 for single or 32 for staff, radius
3) were not saved if you set their values to the standard
default values. Now this works.

- Add: Templates menu and templates handling.
- Fix: Duplicating caused some some fields to get not the
proper data, now it should be OK.
- Fix: Converting spaces to underscores (_) in file name
also works now if you change the file name in the edit

- Fix: Force powers sliders, behaviour sliders and rank
are now saved correctly.
- Mod: NPC names can't contain spaces. Every space
you type in will be converted to underscore (_).

- Mod: Now the customSkin icons selection is nicer and
much faster. I think there will be no PK3 support for
them. You don't want the program to extract all the icon
files, do you?
- Fix: WP_NONE and WP_SABER are not doubled any
WP_TUSKEN_STAFF are handled correctly.
- Mod: No more 'Copy from first blade' option for second
blades of saber staffs.

- New: maximum of 9 most recently opened files in File
- New: Support for skin icons either in JPG, PNG or TGA
format. Seems a little ugly, I'll try to make it more good
looking. No PK3 support for this yet.

- Mod: Changed duplicate to use incremental numbering
instead of the 'Copy of' naming.
- New: Added file comment support
- Mod: Weapons are no longer baked in, they are
extracted from weapons.dat. It can be in assets1.pk3,
base/ext_data or the MOD folder's ext_data. Only
baked weapons are WP_NONE and WP_SABER.
- Mod: You are no longer available to check
WP_SABER and not select a saber.
- Fix: Models/skins are now loaded from base and MOD
dir too, not just from assets1.pk3
- Mod: customRGBA is now available for every model.

Planned for final release (don't complain! :)

Currently working features (means: test them, please :)
- Loading NPC files
- Saving NPC files
- Editing various parameters with validity checking.
- Deleting NPCs
- Duplicating NPCs
- Support for PK3 files. It will read assets PK3s only.
- Support for a MOD folder not just the standard base.