Lugormod Building Utility v3.0.5 (3.0.5)

By Hunter122
Date: 09-12-2010
Version: 3.0.5




Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
TITLE: Lugormod Building Ultility 3 Alpha Build 0.5
AUTHOR: Hacky1432
FILENAME: Lugormod Building Ultility v3 Alpha Build

CREDITS: Thanks for downloading and using my Building Ultility
For the First its only in Beta.
Please don't forget there will be more in next Release!

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: For the Installation you can put it where you want! If It doesnt work You Should be sure the DLL / dlls Will be in the same
folder, and you need Microsoft Net Framework 3.5

MANUAL: You find an Manual under Settings

DESCRIPTION: The Features for Alpha 1.1

- Server Cvar's listed
- Quests (Team Quest, Normal Quest and Iobject Quest)
- Misc Functions (misc_model, misc_camera and misc_exploding_crate)
- Item Shop
- Teleporter
- Messages
- Turrets

The Features for Alpha *Update*

- Added 3 Round Quest by Quests
- Added misc_ammo_floor_unit by Misc
- Added misc_shield_floor_unit by Misc
- Added misc_model_health_power_converter by Misc
- Added misc_bsp by Misc

The Features for Alpha *Update*

- Added Builder Notepad
- Added Effect List
- Added Model List
- Added Texture List
- Added Sound List
- Added Item List
- Added NPC List
- Added Misc_portal_camera by Misc
- Added misc_portal_surface by Misc
- Added Misc_weapon_shooter
- Added Misc_faller

The Features for Alpha *Update*

- Added Fx Functions
- Added Lmd Functions ( Still won't work because isnt done! )
- Added Target Functions ( Still won't work because isnt done! )
- Added Trigger Functions ( Still won't work because isnt done! )
- Added Func Functions ( Still won't work because isnt done! )
- Added Slotmachine by Other Things
- Added Fx_rain by Fx_ Functions
- Added Fx_snow by Fx_ Functions
- Added Fx_spacedust by Fx_ Functions
- Added Fx_runner by Fx_ Functions
- Added Server Cfg Generator ( Still work but not done! )
- Added Notify Icon ( If you Minimize the Main Menu, where are you seeing Basics Credits... Then Its will showen in The Taskbar where Your
Antiviurs Icon is and the others )
- Added by Minimized State More Settings ( Right Click to see the Menu )
- Added by Minimized State Main Basic ( Right Click to see the Menu )
- Added Effect List by More Settings in Minimized State
- Added Model List by More Settings in Minimized State
- Added Texture List by More Settings in Minimized State
- Added Sound List by More Settings in Minimized State
- Added Item List by More Settings in Minimized State
- Added NPC List by More Settings in Minimized State
- Added All Basics Functions by by Main Basics in Minimized State

The Features for Alpha *Update*

- Added Lmd_door with name "Door" by Other Things
- Added Lmd_gate by Lmd Functions
- Added Lmd_terminal by Lmd Functions
- Added 1-6 Targets by Lmd_terminal to change how much Informations it should show!
- Added Lmd_restrict by Lmd Functions
- Added Lmd_stashzone with name "Stashzone" by Other Things
- Added by Minimized State Useful Links
- Added Link by Useful Links in Minimized State
- Added Link by Useful Links in Minimized State
- Added Link by Useful Links in Minimized State
- Added Link by Useful Links in Minimized State
- Added Upside / Down Writer by More Settings in Minimized State
- Changed Server Config Generator Layout (Isnt done!)

The Features for Alpha PRE *Update*

- New InGame !commands helped by BobaFett from Ultra Utility
- Fixxed misc_model_breakable Spawnflags for Button Code
- Added !about to see the Version (Use in Game)
- Added !health to see your health (Use in Game)
- Added the !about command by PlEnter
- Added Console Monitor
- Added Console Monitor by More Settings In Minimized State
- Removed Close Button (Lol not needed)
- Added !place command
- Added subcommand terminal to !place (To use !place terminal)
- Added subcommand pwterminal to !place (To use !place pwterminal)
- Added subcommand button to !place (To use !place button)
- Added subcommand paybutton to !place (To use !place paybutton)
- Added !console command
- Added subcommand reset to !console (To use !console reset) Its clears the console!
- Added subcommand open to !console (To use !console open) Its open the console!
- Added !time command
- Added !date command
- Added subcommand paybutton to !place (To use !place paybutton)
- Added !view command to view an Entity (To use !view [by looking at the Model] or !view entity number)
- Added !edit command to edit models and other things (To use for an exmaple !edit target newtarget or !edit entity number target newtarget
- Added !message command to edit the messages of Models / Terminals (To use !message Reborn Quest)
- Added to all !commands help subcommand (To use for example !place help, !view help, !edit help, !message help, not to !console)
- Added !health command to see your health and Username
- Renamed !health to !status and added Client Number
- Added !remap command (To use !remap <old shader> <new shader>)
- Added !identify 1-3 + Added User Menu To set the Identify
- Added !cmd1 to change the Interact 1 Message by Terminals
- Added !cmd2 to change the Interact 2 Message by Terminals
- Added !cmd3 to change the Interact 3 Message by Terminals
- Added !cmd4 to change the Interact 4 Message by Terminals
- Added !cmd5 to change the Interact 5 Message by Terminals
- Added !cmd6 to change the Interact 6 Message by Terminals
- Added !shader to see a Texture of the Shader (This only works when UU Beta 17a is Started!
- Added !vote command (To use !vote map t2_trip)
- Changed Credits Layout
- Added !notedown command to Note something and save it in the Builder Notepad (To use !notedown <your text> to save it [You can only save 1 thing atm] If you are want to make an new you need to clear the old !notedown clear)
- Added subcommand custome1 , custome2 and custome3 to !place you can set your own codes and save them Just Minimize the Building Utility Right Click on it go To Ingame Settings and Custome Place
- Added !math command Exmaple !math 1 + 2 (BUG dont use Letters its crash the BU)
- Added Bank by Other Things in basic

The Features for Alpha Tester Edition 1 + Tester Edition 2 *Tester Version* + End Release

- Added !delete command (To use !delete or !delete <ent number>)
- Added subcommand rentterminal to !Place (To use !place rentterminal)
- Added To Basics Minimize Button
- Added To Basics Move function just click on a free space and move it (Left Click)
- Added settings (Here can you change the Settings)
- Moved Identify to settings
- Moved Custome place codes to settings
- Fixed spamm bug (IDK HOW but i fixxed LOL)
- Added Changeable Main Display from Notes and Changeable Color
- Added !msgcolor to Change the Color (To use !msgcolor 1 0 0 1)
- Added !msgdisplay to change the Message Display (To use !msgdisplay or !msgdisplay Console, Public, Private)
- Removed !console command
- Working on Site **
- Rebuilded all Commands for setable Text Color and Setable Message Mode.
- Rebuilded !status Command (Now more options and in the console)
- Finished the Message Display
- Changed Update Checker Now you auto download the Newest version when you check the Updates under Credits
- Added !login Command (You need to sett this in the Settings Username and Password)
- Added !logout (Logs you out)
- Added !respawn command (Respawns the last deleted entity)
- Fixxed Login System and Finished
- Changed Update Checker Better Layout
- Added Lmd_remap
- Maked 1.5 Release ready
- Fixxed Update Checker

The Features for Alpha

- Changed to Version Number 2
- Started work on Build 1
- Added Force to !status
- Added Shield to !status
- Added Model to !status
- Added Score to !status
- Added Saber1 to !status
- Added Saber2 to !status
- Added !currentmodel command to see your currentmodel
- Fixed Force by !status
- Fixed Message by !place and other commands dont show
- Changed Login Menu name to Lugor Menu by Settings
- Added Rconpassword to Lugor Menu
- Added !rcon command (!rcon login to Login with rconpassword, !rcon logout to logout)
- Added !entlist (!entlist remove info_player_deathmatch to remove the Spawnpoint) <= Example
- Fixed !login Command now you will Login when your Name is not only have name Padawan
- Fixed Round Quest Code
- Added an Ingame Manual by Settings
- Fixxed Upside Down Writer Text
- Added Time to !status
- Added Rate to !status
- Added Saber 1 Color to !status
- Added Saber 2 Color to !status
- Added !status computer to see your Current OS + Version + Platform + Computer Name
- Added !reward System (To use !reward <Part of PlayerName> <credits> If someone kills him he will gets credits. The reward system only works when you have the giveother cmd)
- Renamed !currentmodel to !model
- Redesigned Manual (Shows now all !ingame Commands and by Click what they does)
- Added propterminal as subcommand to !place
- Added rentterminal as subcommand to !place
- Added !clearmap Command (Idea By Hacky^,^ for SithGod <3 Its Very VERY Usefull because Its Delent ALL ENTITYS + NPC'S [Func Ents will not deleted! And Custome Npcs too Not Deleted]
- Added Ent Numbr to !place (You an set in Settings That the Entity Number will be shown)
- Added to !shader writes down the Shader
- Changed !clearmap Command (Now you need an PIN to clear the map After Map Cleared you need to have an new Pin)
- Added !pin to generate a Pin for the clearmap command

The Features for Alpha *HotFix*

- Fixxed !reward System (Bug PPL get credits when they kill eachother)

The Features for Alpha

- Added !gotoent Command (To use !gotoent 574 for Example) This ports you to the Entity
- Fixxed !shader Command (Shader will be shown by Entering the Map)
- Removed !os (useless use !status computer)
- Fixxed !angle Command
- Added !moveent Command (To use !moveent 574 for Example) This ports the Entity to you
- Added another Check For Updates to Settings
- Changed Entity Number (This displays in the Console)
- Added !pass for (passvote)
- Added !fail for (cancelvote)
- Added lmd_drop to Basics
- Added lmd_iobject to Basics
- Added !dis Command for (Disable / Enable an Entity)
- Added lmd_mover to Basics
- Added !origin Command
- Added !entityinfo (same as Trace)
- Added subcommand stashconsole to !place
- Added subcommand ammofloor to !place
- Added subcommand shieldfloor to !place
- Added !stash command to make Stash (Rcon needed)
- Added Lmd_rentterminal to Lmd Functions
- Changed Welcome Picture ^^

The Features for Beta

- Started working on Beta Release
- Added !brush Command (To use !brush FuncEntNumber)
- Added !copy Command (This copys an Entity [Dont use on funcs_]
- Added !paste command (This paste the Copied Entity)
- Fixxed !notedown command
- Added !save Command
- Building Utility works now by sv_floodprotect 1 (Must be setted by Settings / Message Menu Server Floodprotect Yes for 1 No for 0
- Added !refresh Command (Do Ingame to Check the Floodprotect the BU will Refresh and Set the Delays by Command On / OFF
- Added !walkfx (Sets an Walk Effect) (only works by sv_floodprotect 0!)
- Added !brushrotate command To Rotate an Brush (beta)
- Fixxed !reward System :P
- Added Colors to message (colors can be used now) (To use !message .1Red color .2Green Color .3Yellow .4Blue .5Cyan .6Pink .7White .0Black)
- Added Colors to cmd1-6 (colors can be used now) (To use !cmd1-6 .1Red color .2Green Color .3Yellow .4Blue .5Cyan .6Pink .7White .0Black)
- Added !fx command to build fx_runner To use !fx effect
- Added !npc Command To Use !Npc Name Health Targetname NPC_target5
- Added !activate Command To Use !activate targetname target
- Added !deactivate Command To Use !deactivate targetname target
- Added !dontreply Command to Make Messages Invisible!
- Instalable!
- Auto Update

The Features for Beta

- Removed Update Checker
- Upload Now Installer + Not Install Need

The Features for Beta

- Added !mark Command (!mark to Mark your position !mark port to port to there)
- Renamed !model to !mymodel
- Added !model to Place Md3 Model (Like factory/f_con1)
- Added !copybrush
- Added !pastebrush (This pastes the brush at the Origin of the other one!)
- Added !walksound (To set an Walksound)
- Added !lastbrush
- Added !newshader to Edit the Shader of the Shader where you looking at.
- Added !same to remap The Looking Texture to the same As Before with !newshader
- Fixxed !pastebrush
- Added !to Command
- Removed Installable doesnt work most of the Time...
- Added !scaleme to Scale yourself :D (Thanks to Weapon_X for helping :D)

The Features for Beta

- For the Next time my site is
- Start Working on new Layout
- Fixxed Walksound
- Added !minime to Minize the Game
- Added !console command To activate / deactivate the Programmer Console
- Fixxed !lastbrush Command works now with !brushrotate and tells you the angles!
- Fixxed !brush and !brushrotate (The False Ent Num Will now Showen as Invalid Entity Number And Fixxed Spamm bug by this codes)
- Main Fixxes
- Started Working on Console /commands (Test Command /lol and /lol Text to set your Text)
- Added !edit Command To Console /!edit
- Added /helpme Command To get Help of all commands Type /helpme cmd To see what It does^^ and only /helpme to see all
- Added !place Command To Console /!place
- Added /respawn Command Which Simple same is as !respawn but You Can do it In The Console^^
- Added /copyme Command Copys The Model and paste it to same origin

The Features for Beta

- Fixxed !save Command (Tells you when you are not admin)
- Added /settings To console Commands
- Added Counter Strike Sound System which Actuelly Plays Sounds when you get killed or you kill someone ( You need to enter your name without Clan tag and without Extra symbols by settings )
- Added Changeable Sound System for the Sounds^^
- Changed Settings Layout
- Fixxed misc_bsp
- Changed console Style

The Features for Beta

- Main Fixx by !login System

The Features for Beta Pre Release

- Fixxed Message Color by Settings
- Changed Basic Layout
- Fixxed Lmd Terminal 5
- Fixxed Lmd Terminal 6
- Added Login Listbox (You can set more then 1 Login Name and Password)
- Added Custome Code Box (You can set More then 3 Custome Codes For Example more then 100 :P)
- Added !place list To see your Current Custome Codes + Their Number to spawn them Type !place Number
- Added !login List or !Login Accounts To see All Accounts
- Added !accounts To see All your Accounts
- Added Lmd_stashzone to Basics (Missed)
- Added Lmd_remap to Basics (Missed)
- Added Lmd_door to Basics (Missed)
- Remade !notedown System !notedown list to See all Notes , !notedown clean or clear To Clear all Notes and !notedown message To add an Message
- Added More Identifys More then 100 ^^
- Added Jkbot Which Allows you To make Own Commands
- Added Save Function to JKBot which Saves the Cmds from the Bot as Cmd.dat and Para.dat which can be in later versions loaded!
- The Buttons are Called Save as Cmd.dat Which saves all Cmds and Load Cmd.dat which Loads the File and Save as Para.dat which Saves the Reaction of the Cmds and Load Para.dat the Files must be in the same folder with the BU
- Added Save Function and Load function to Custome Places and to the Accounts
- With this Save Load function you can always load your Accounts Custome Places and Custome Codes from The Files in The Newer BU
- Make you sure the BU and the files are in Same folder and Dont rename the files!
- Remade /helpme Command which easier to use with Categorys^^
- Renamed /helpme cmd to /!helpme
- Added !csssounds which sets the CS:S Sounds On / Off
- Added !cssname which sets the Name for CS:S Sounds
- Fixxed !reward Code (The Name now doesnt need to be Direct For Example Ziggy can also be ZiGgY)
- Added Hook Which adds Console Commands
- Added MainCoreInjector
- Added /textures command Shows all commands
- Added Subcommand To /textures called Favorites under Basics you can add your own Textures
- Added CG_CenterPrint to Hook (Which actually add's Prints something on Screen)
- Changed Dat File Format so It saves your Settings (Export) to name.bu now
- Reworked again The /!helpme System (Now its more more easier)
- MainCoreInjector works now with Net Framework 3.5
- Fixxed MainCoreInjector Issue Injector is still on but Utility or Game not!
- Injector closes now itself!
- Added Server Information which will be showen when you join a server.
- Added Ticker System will show by Connecting Server
- Added Server.Cfg CVAR bu_ticker
- Added PlayerName to bu_ticker Will replace with playername Like Welcome PlayerName
- Ticker System can be setted by Administrator in Server.cfg with (sets "bu_ticker" "Message")
- The !clearmap Command does only work in U# 2.4 or higher (2.3.2 or lower is buggy)
- Fixxed !newshader Command (Shader that cant be remapped will be never remapped again)
- Remade !model Command (!model folder/model for Example !model factory/f_con1 and again !model to place The same Object again)
- Remade !fx Command (!fx folder/effect for Example !fx env/beam and again !fx to place the Same Effect again)
- Fixxed !edit command can Now Edit the message for example !edit message This is a House (for color example ^^00T^^11his is my ^^22House)
- Removed !cmd1 - !cmd6 no longer needed
- Removed !message command
- Edited !entlist command (works now in U# 2.4 and up)
- Renamed !entlist to !remove (remove is better cuz you remove things)
- Removed !console Command (Just makes the CPU goes laggy) Its a not needed cmd
- Added Cvar_Get Creates cvar's for the Hook Big Thanks for Boba Fett for helping me with the Cvar Adding
- Added Cvar_Find Finds and deletes cvars for the Hook
- Added Cvar_set2 Edits cvars for the Hook
- The /textures Command is not DONE!

The Features for Beta ClientSide UI (LmdBuClientSide.pk3) Pre Release

- Starting Changelog
- Added User Interface Status of Server
- Added User Interface Register (Inside your account name and password and Click register)
- Added User Interface Login (To Login)
- You need to Put the Pk3 File into your base and make a copy of it into your Lugormod Folder!
- Added Server status (server can now added to Favorites of BU)

- For Builder:
- To make an NPC open the Menus for the Player
1. Build NPC or a button
2. Build a Target_print with spawnflags 20 and following Message:
Login into your Account - = Login Menu
Register Account - = Register Menu
Server Information - = Server Status

The Features for Beta Test Release

- Fixxed Spamm Drawstring (Console cant be used)
- Maybe fixxed DLL for 32 Bit

The Features for Beta Test Release

- Maybe Fixxed Hook
- Install the BU Now into the GameData folder
- Changed !helpme Layout (Not done!)

The Featurs for Beta Removed Hook

- Removed Hook For the first
- Added !helpme command gives help about cmds

The Featurs for Beta

//Basics Features (Information about Entities) and some Issue fixxes////
- Anti Decompile Protect ^_^
- Removed /textures Command
- Added !search command to search effects, textures or models
- Added !player command (trace the Player)
- Fixxed under Basic 2 times Lmd_remap

- Added Target_Level_Change under Basics
- Added Target_Position under Basics
- Added Target_Push under Basics
- Added Target_Powerup under Basics
- Added Target_Remove_Powerups under Basics
- Added Target_Teleporter under Basics
- Added Target_Delay under Basics
- Added Target_Speaker under Basics
- Added Target_Print under Basics
- Added Target_Score under Basics
- Added Target_Kill under Basics
- Added Target_Random under Basics
- Added Target_Counter under Basics
- Added Target_Relay under Basics
- Added Target_Scriptrunner under Basics


- Fixxed Spamm Bug XD

If The JkA Running shows as runtime error
Install That
32 Bit
64 Bit

If the Ultility wont start you need to Instal Net Framework 3.5