Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

PK3 as Compressed Folders

By Scooter
Date: 04-21-2004



PK3 Support for WinXP
By Scooter <>

This will allow you to use Windows XP's built-in Compressed Folders to work with your PK3 files.
Compressed Folders work quite well for making PK3 files, which is something that can't be said
for other archiving tools with the exception of Pakscape, which is specifically designed for
working with PK3 files.

Just double-click the pk3.reg file and when it asks
"Are you sure you want to add the information in pk3.reg to the registry?"
Click yes. Now you're ready to work with your PK3 files as compressed folders.

Feel free to post this on other FilesNetwork sites, as long as this readme accompanies it.