Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Corran Horn

By Hessmix
Date: 02-26-2007





Title : HM Corran Horn
Author : Hessmix
File Type: Re-skin
File Name : HM_CorranHorn.pk3
File Size : 6.73MB
Original Model: Hapslash's Anakin Skywalker Episode 2
Model's Creator: Hapslash
Original Textures Provided by: Hapslash
New Textures Provided by: Hessmix


First off I would like to thank everyone from 'The Void' and their help in the making of this skin. (

I would also like to thank Hapslash for a awesome model to work with, although I must say that Episode 3 Anakin is much easier to edit then Episode 2, though I do relish the challenge.

Also thank you to Buffy from the Void for awesome screenshots.

Ok now that I've done the thanking let me go on to describe what I've made here. This re-skin is my attempt to make Corran Horn, the other Jedi that came from Rogue Squadron. Recently a modification came out for Battlefront 2, which had a huge number of new choices for the game. One such choice was Corran Horn but to my surprise the Corran Horn had short hair. I liked the idea of him with short hair so I came up with this.

I guess if I were to fit this in to the Expanded Universe this is after I, Jedi. Corran is still newly out of the Starfighter Corps (hence the short hair) but has revealed himself as Corran Horn to the Jedi.

What does it look like?

I basically took the Episode 2 Anakin and turned the robes a green-yellow hue. The Tabards are a light green (Default Model) and a Dark Green (DarkGreen Model) The boots are just straight black with an three straps instead of the regular two.

Additional Information:

I've added icons for the skins but just incase they don't work enter these codes on the console:

/model hm_corranhorn
/model hm_corranhorn/darkgreen
/model hm_corranhorn/hood
/model hm_corranhorn/robe


Simply extract the pk3 to the gamedata/base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. To uninstall simply remove or delete the file.