Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

KotOR Dark Jedi

By Cetanu666
Date: 01-29-2007




KOTOR DarkJedi

installation: unzip file in the jedi academy game folder, or if u have a mod folder extract there, then place the aol.pk3 file into your "Star Wars Jedi knight Jedi Acedemy/Gamedata/Base" folder,or where ever you have the game folders into.
-=_ Contact _=-
AIM: Cetanu666

-=_ Comments _=-
Well this is my very first skin, based off the KotoR Dark Jedi's, this does not replace the reborn,or shouldnt at all.

i am right nowworking to see if i can make a better dark perversion texture for the face.

-=_ Commands _=-
npc spawn dark_jedi_single
npc spawn dark_jedi_dual
npc spawn dark_jedi_staff

Bot Support: no (well, idont know how to make them usable in the multiplayer character selectin screen yet :[. )
Npc Support: yes
Team Support: no
New Sounds: reborn twins

Bugs: i dont know if any, but you do find some let me know and ill see if i can fix it.