Jango Fett

By Rafe
Date: 07-24-2005




Jango_Fett Skin/npc

npc support:Yes
bot support:no
new sounds:no
team support:yes

Creator: Rafe AKA Wookie Slavery is Wrong

how to: extract files to your gamedata/base folder. And you're ready to play.

thanks: thanks to {Kott}Revan for helping me with my first skin/npc pack

npc spawn cvars:
blue jango jedi: \npc spawn rafe_jango_jedi
red jango jedi: \npc spawn rafe_jango_jedi_red
blue jango blaster: \npc spawn rafe_jango_blaster
red jango blaster: \npc spawn rafe_jango_blaster_red