Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Imperial Technician Customization (1.0)

By Doc Phil
Date: 06-27-2005
Version: 1.0




Imperial Technician Customization by Doc Phil (aka Torvan Raiker)
April 19, 2005


Installation Instructions
- Extract the .pk3 into your GameData/base directory.


- This .pk3 includes customization for the two genders. The heads included are the same ones in the original Imperial
Customization. This, of course, works with the Imperial Customization mod. Due to the largeness of the IC, I decided
to release the technician species separately. I had 56k once, it sucked, heh. Why this technician skin? You have to admit,
the silly one with the helmet was a little extreme.. I made this skin according to the scanning technicians in ANH.


- Original Male Skin (Imperial)-- JKA Devs
- Original Female Skin (Lt. Ors)-- RaSiN HeCk [Original ReadMe included in .zip]
- All changes and editing-- Doc Phil (Torvan Raiker)
- All new Imperial heads-- Germoc


Questions? Comments? Talk to me on msn at or e-mail me at previously said address.

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