Rebel Customization (1.0)

By Doc Phil
Date: 06-27-2005
Version: 1.0




Rebel Customization, v1.0 by Doc Phil (aka Torvan Raiker)
June 09, 2005


Installation Instructions
- Extract the .pk3 into your GameData/base directory.


- This .pk3 includes customization for a male rebel officer based on Captain Antilles and other Alderaan rebel officials
seen in ANH. No new heads for selection are available as of yet. There is a torso for every rank Norank-High Admiral.

Note: This mod works in cohesion with the Imperial Customization mod. They can both be in your base at the same time, but
not other customization mods made by someone else - one will override the other.


- Original Rebel Skin-- JKA Devs
- All changes and editing-- Doc Phil (Torvan Raiker)


Questions? Comments? Talk to me on msn at or e-mail me at previously said address.

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