Dark Robes Skin

Date: 12-05-2003




* *
* Dark Robes Skin *
* Created by *
* *


Place the hmDarkRobes.pk3 file in you Jedi Academy\GameData\Base folder.


This skin is nothing more than my first attempt to figure skinning for JK3 customizable
jedi characters. While this is basic and nothing more than making a darker set of pants,
a darker robe, and giving the brown haired head a gotee and black hair with black eyes, it's
a start. The file does include an updated shader file, which took me forever to figure out,
so that you can change the colors of the trim. The head, torso, and pants can all be selected

Known Bugs: The only bug I can find so far is that when you chose a color for the torso it
has that color's tone over the icon. Nothing major as the skin works, but it's an annoyance
since the head and pants don't do this. That and the pants icon looks the same as the default
one that I darkened up, but that's because I was lazy really, this was my first attempt.

Notes: Feel free to distribute as you like, just make sure to leave the readme file for the
noobs and so I get credit if anyone actually reads this. With luck, more skins to come.