Dark Jawa

By Zkyo
Date: 09-17-2009




Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
TITLE: Dark Jawa 1.0
E-MAIL: kopakazak@yahoo.com

FILENAMES: Dark_jawa.pk3
File Size : 839 KB
Version: 1.0

DATE RELEASED: September 02 2009

INSTALLATION: Extract the .pk3-file to the gamedata/base folder of your Jedi Academy directory.

UNINSTALLATION: Remove the .pk3 from your base-folder

DESCRIPTION: The harmless little jawas have turned to the dark side...

- Screenshots included
- New Sounds (Normal Jawa sounds)
- Bot support (Named "Dark Jawa")
- Team support (Red and Blue versions)
- Npc support (/npc spawn dark_jawa - it's actually a bit of a challenge)
- Note: This model looks a little better when the brightness is turned down a bit.
- This is my second skin
- Feel free to use this skin as long as you give credits.

How to use in single player mode:

Open the console, activate cheats (helpusobi 1), and type playermodel dark_jawa, or npc spawn dark_jawa.


Zipfo - Making the MP icons
Mufinownz - I used your Cosmic Jawa pk3 to figure out how to get the files in the right places


This modification is not made, dustrubuted, or supported by Activision, Raven,
or Lucasarts Entertainment Company LLC. Elements Tm, and is copyright Lucasarts.