Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Spanki's SITH Customization

By Spanki
Date: 07-15-2008





Title: Spanki's_SITH_Customization
Authors : Spanki
E-Mail :
Website: -----

File Name : Spanki's_SITH_Customization
File Size: 99,5 MB
Date Released : 09.07.2008

New Models: no
New Sounds: yes
Team Colours: no
New Shaders: yes
Bot Support: yes
New Textures: yes
New Icons: yes
NPC Support: no

Model - HapSlash
Textures - Spanki
Mesh Optimization, Weighting & Conversion,- Infinity Blade

Credits: HapSlash (for the awesome model & hs_dooku)
E-Mail :

Scerendo ( for a torso texture of Zander Cohort )
E-Mail :

Sith Lord (for a really well made face texture of a beautiful hs_anakin reskin called Kale_Degan)

Tyrael ( for the kelifarian and the lizard face textures )

Glu Bundy ( for a face texture I modified )

Description: This is a Sith Customization based on the HS_anakin model of Hapslash.

How the title of this mod is saying . . . surprise, surprise . . . this Modification deals with

a customization of Sith. After I finished the JEDI_Customization_PLUS . . . I know that I wrote Costumization :P . . .

I decided to do the sith customization, coz all the Jedi need Sith to fight.

You will find 27 new customization screens after having this modification installed, so its impossible to have both,

Jedi and Sith Customization installed at the same time with having all its possibilities

( I noticed that the limitation of customization screens is 32 when I had the mod already done ).

So you gotta decide, what you prefer. In the first time I made this modification for Sith based clans around the

world but decided later to include some RPG chars coming along with it. These RPG chars are the main difference between

Jedi and Sith Customization, even to light side RPG chars are included here. These Chars all have unique robes that are not

customizable and of course unique faces that are not customizable either. Another difference regarding to the Jedi

customization is the fact that I worked with alot of glowing effects this time, you are able to costumize every torso with

red and blue glowing lights. By the way, there are 2 unique robes at the end of every of the 9 different torso menus.

The RPG charakter are all selectable at the MP icon screen ( 22 icons, 2 for each charakter ).

Altough I decided neither to do NPC nor Bot support with this Mod. It seems many people cant handle

that big amount of NPCs , or they arent aware of how to delete them. Therefore is coming a NPC list for spawning

within this zip file and an NPC folder, just copy the NPC you want to add and paste it in "ext_data / npcs" folder of the mod.

. . . the only Bot you can choose to fight is my beloved Exar Khun . . .

Maybe some people remember the Jedi_Customization_Plus, there were just Humans, Chiss , a Rodian and some

Cyborg species included. This time I decided to do more species variants . . . of course the main Heads still

have a human topic but there is a Kelifarian, a Rodian, some Cyborgs, a Lizard like dude, a Frog guy ;D , a big selection

of different Heads form the Ratatakki species ( Ratatakki is the species of Asajj Ventraa, and they look very sithish in my eyes )

and finally some heads that are so bizarr that you cant say what species they are . . .

But the facts now:

- 27 customization screens
- 96 customizable heads ( + 11 unique heads of RPG chars )
- 288 customizable torsos ( + 11 unique torsos of RPG chars )
- 20 customizable boots
- red and blue glowing lights variations

- 552.960 possibilities at all
- 11 RPG chars

Exar Khun
Darth Bane
Darth Krayt
A´shared Hett
Darth Kruhl
Ulic Qel Droma
Kyp Durron
Cade Skywalker
Jagged Fel
Nomi Sunrider ( I wanted to include something for the ladies :P )

Bugs: no known

Comments: spank ! ^^

Special thank's go out to HapSlash and his modding fellows ( Infinity Blade, Overlord .. etc. ),
without this Modification would not exist.

Thanks to all of the "Voidians" that gave me positive or negative critics and suggestions along the
process of this mod

Special thanks to Buffy "you really know how to make nice screenshots honey"

Special thanks to Scerendo "your modview based photoshop artworks pwn"

Special thanks to Grevious for making a trailer of this Modification

Again thanks to Buffy for making the NPC files . . .

following a quote : regarding the costumization screens

. . . Now.. I haven't really heard any issues aside from these, so if there is something.. speak up. Also note, that if for some reason

the back of Anakin's head is missing on the Species menu when you customize Anakin... Realize that there are Normal Heads... and Hood Versions.

If you choose a "Hood Head" but don't take a "Hooded Torso"... you will have a gaping hole in the back of your head.

You should also be sure to take "Normal Head" if you are taking a torso without the robes on or hood up.

If you still have problems with the missing/clipping hair and Hoods.... and you can't figure out why it's happening

on Customized Anakins through the species menu... It's ok... it's not a bug... you are simply incompetent.

Infinity Blade

Beware of grammer & word mistakes

. . . and finally enjoy this modification

* How to install *

Just extract the .pk3 into the GameData/base in your game directory, and it is selectable among the usual
Multiplayer and Singleplayer MODS.

make sure you have JEDI_Costumization_PLUS deleted to have all SITH_Customization menus

* Copyright / Permissions *
Not to be used in any model pack, modification, total conversion or the like, without express permission of me, Spanki

*I you have my personal permission*
I give permission to use or modify all the textures as long as credit is clearly and explicitly given to me,
Spanki, and the model's original authors. Also notify me when using any textures of mine.
Also include this and all the other read me if you gonna use anything of this modification.

