Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

HS Jedi Customization (v4.0)

By Doc Phil
Date: 02-07-2006
Version: v4.0




HS Jedi Customization, v4.0 by Doc Phil (aka Torvan Raiker)
December 30, 2005


Installation Instructions
- Extract both of the .pk3s into your GameData/base directory. YOU MUST REMOVE previous
versions of my JEDI customizations. (NPJ Jedi Customization etc..)


- What's new in v4? New icons have been made for both padawans and knights/masters. The
knights/masters "species" is now based upon Hapslash's Obi-Wan Ep3 model versus the older
one made by Aaron_Smith. Thus, the robes and torsos have much better quality. Two new
robes have been added, as well.

How many things to choose from are there?

Padawan Selection:
- 3 heads
- 10 torsos

Knights/Masters Selection:
- 8 heads
- 17 torsos
- 7 robes/cloaks (hooded or unhooded, for a total of 14)

- So how do you go about setting up your jedi? I'll split it up between Knights/Masters
and Padawans.

Padawans - Since padawans have no robes, just select the head you'd like and the torso you'd
like. The legs change automatically to match the torso.

Knights/Masters - The setup for this is like so.. Now, like in the fix,if you want a hood,
you must make sure you choose the head that has a hood on it. There's several heads to
choose from, based on either Hapslash's Obi-wan or the Prequel Jedi head. In the torso
selection (where there are now 17 torsos to choose from), if you want a robe (hooded or not),
find the torso you want that says "Robed" at the bottom. If you don't want a robe, just pick
the torso that doesn't say anything. Onto the Legs/Cloak section (as it should now be
labeled), here you will choose, not only if you want your robe hooded or not, but what
color! Colors available are red, black, white, grey, blue, brown, and tan.

Note: This mod works in cohesion with any other customization mods I've made.

I hope you all enjoy this customization! Happy New Year!


- Original Jedi (Obi-Wan, Ep3) model-- Hapslash
- Original Padawan model-- Kevin Coyle
- All changes and editing-- Torvan Raiker


Questions? Comments? Talk to me on msn at or e-mail me at previously said address.

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