Jedi Knight Eris (v2.0)

By Eris
Date: 12-30-2005
Version: v2.0




Jedi Knight Eris, V 2.0
By Eris

Obi-wan model - Hapslash
Skins - Eris (robes Hapslash)
Sounds - Shao

This is version 2 of the previously released Jedi Knight Eris. This version contains
following features;

- Customization; 4 heads,35 torsos,6 lowers.
- Bot Support
- 12 different robes

Place both JKEris.pk3 and ZZEris Customization Option.pk3 into the directory
/c:Program Files/Lucasarts/Game data/base

NOTE: If you do not want to use the customizations option just place JKEris.pk3
into base.

Delete the pk3(s) from your base folder

Skin commands:

/model JKEris
/model JKEris/robe
/model JKEris/robehood
/model JKEris/defaulthood
/model JKEris/defaulthooded
/model JKEris/alt
/model JKEris/altrobe
/model JKEris/altrobehood
/model JKEris/guss
/model JKEris/gussrobe
/model JKEris/gussrobehood
/model JKEris/sith
/model JKEris/sithrobe
/model JKEris/sithrobehood
/model JKEris/design1
/model JKEris/design1robe
/model JKEris/design1hood
/model JKEris/design2
/model JKEris/design2robe
/model JKEris/design2hood
/model JKEris/gussdesign
/model JKEris/gussdesignrobe
/model JKEris/gussdesignhood
/model JKEris/red
/model JKEris/blue
/model JKEris/ceremony
/model JKEris/ceremonyhood
/model JKEris/master
/model JKEris/masterrobe
/model JKEris/masterrobehood
/model JKEris/hood
/model JKEris/hooded
/model JKEris/other
/model JKEris/otherrobe
/model JKEris/otherrobehood
/model JKEris/ak
/model JKEris/akrobe
/model JKEris/akrobehood
/model JKEris/knight
/model JKEris/knightrobe
/model JKEris/knightrobehood

Infinity Blade for the Crits and Comments and encouragement!
Admiral and Fir'en Darkhaven for beta testing
Admiral for crits
The Void Community for their crits and comments and support