Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

New Prequel Jedi Pack

By Broken-Hope
Date: 03-29-2005




New Prequel Jedi Pack

Author- broken_hope

This was made for the RPG servers because i didnt like the current Prequel Jedi Pack.

This pack includes 4 Prequel Jedis & 1 Prequel Sith

If icons are missing because of too many skins type in console....

/model new_prequel_jedi
/model new_prequel_jedi_robed
/model new_prequel_jedi_hooded
/model new_prequel_sith
/model new_prequel_sith_robed
/model new_prequel_sith_hooded

For different versions of the Jedi just add _V2, _V3, _V4 to the end of the jedi command

Credit to Aaron Smith for the model