Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Ninja: Assassins of the Night v3

By Darkahn
Date: 03-29-2005




> Ninja: Assassins of the Night v3
> *******************
> Skinners: : Andrew Pemberton : Darkahn
> : Unknown
> : Inyri Forge
> Beta Testers: : Darkel, Siko, Kavani
> Clan : The Galactic Empire
> Email/MSN :
> AIM : IxI Darkahn IxI
> Clan Site :
> My Personal Webiste :
> (Upcoming)
> Version : 3.0 Omega for JKA
> New Textures : Yes
> New Shaders : No
> New Scripts: No
> New Sounds: Yes (Silent)
> New Models: No
> Normally accessable skins in this pack
> Ninja: White
> Ninja: Black
> Ninja: Grey
> Ninja: Master
> Ninja: Armored (Tenchu)
> Ninja: Green
> There are other skins, such as the katana versions, which much be
> accessed with /model.
> Comments : After seeing Tim's reskin of the Samurai model by
> Jimesu_Evil at, a Ninja, I was amazed.
> However, I noticed some things most people didn't like that well,
> such as the topknot, belt and katana.
> As well, I noticed the textures on the model looked awful on
> bright screens. (they turned a light green)
> So, I decided, to make a reskin of this reskin of the Samurai
> Model. The textures have been 'softened' and made cloth/silk like.
> They appear black even on the brightest of screens, as well,
> numerous hidden skin files are in the PK3.
> V2 Comments: Gah, I found some bad glitches, with the sound, few
> textures, and icons, due to an older PK3 file and
> lazyness on my part. I am VERY sorry for all the people who've
> already downloaded version 1.
> However, to make up for this, the 'robes' version has been
> REMOVED, in it's place are three new hidden skins.
> The icons have been fixed, the sound has been fixed, as well all
> texture glitches have been fixed.
> There are NO new team skins in this version, I just can't get
> them the way I want. If anyone can help me with this
> (I need a good looking dark red Ninja and a good looking dark
> blue Ninja for team colors, I do NOT want Paintshop Colorizations
> again)
> please e-mail me and they will be included in a V3 along with credit.
> V3 Comments: Thanks to all the people who beta tested
> this/provided new skins. Inyri Forge has given me the textures
> for the following skins,
> green version, white version, grey version, red version, blue
> version. There are several skins here which were personal
> requests, so the commands
> for them will not be shown. If you want to use these, you'll have
> to open the PK3 up and find them. All of the beta testers got a
> personal skin.
> I also release today my skin, Hell Spectre: Demons of the
> Shadows. I release this on the 60th anniversary of the Liberation
> of Auschwitz.
> We should never forget the holocaust and the horrors commited by
> the Nazis. However, we should also not be ignorant
> to the crimes commited by the Allied Forces against both German
> Soldiers and Civilians, such as the British using Slave labor,
> POW killings by Americans, and slave labor by Soviets. I release
> these two skins on this day purposefully.
> Most hidden skins in V2 have been made availible by the screen.
> The rest, you're going to have to find yourself.
> How to 'some' hidden versions of the skins:
> model shinobiassassin/katana: For the black ninja with the katana.
> model shinobiassassinwhite/katana : For the white ninja with the katana.
> model shinobiassassingrey/katana : For the grey ninja with the katana.
> model shinobiassassingreen/katana : For the green ninja with the katana.
> model shinobiassassingreen/reptile : Heh. Mortal Kombat fans
> should know who this is. It's not the perfect skin, but it's good.
> model shinobiasasssintenchu/katana : For the armored ninja with the katana.
> model shinobiassassinmaster/armor : For the armored Master Ninja.
> model shinobiassassinmaster/armorhelmet : For the armored Master
> Ninja with a helmet.
> There are about 6 other hidden versions. Feel free to list them
> in the comment section if you find em. ;)
> Four of them have torso armor.
> Thanks to :
> My clan for not bothering me when I was working on it.
> The author of the original Ninja reskin of the Samurai Model,
> Tim. His skin is availible at
> The author of the wonderful Samurai Model, Jimesu_Evil.
> All sites hosting my skin.
> George Lucas.
> (Soke) Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi for running the Buujinkan Ninjitsu
> Dojo, for which I am a proud member of.
> NOTES: Despite requests, I will not be making a fully armored
> robeless version, to resemble Armored Rikimaru in Tenchu 1.
> This is because all this would end up being is a gray-scaled
> Samurai with a cloth mask.
> Installation : Just put the ninjaassassin.pk3 in your
> gamedata/base -folder. 'Nuff said.