Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Xai Mura Vodorr Skin Pack

By Xai-Mura Vodorr
Date: 02-02-2004




Author: Xai-Mura Vodorr
Clan: Avengers of Alderaan -<A>-

Description: This is basically just a reskin of the JK2 model, epii_obi. There is three skins (all have robe versions)
in the PK3.
The skin names are as follows: Padawan_Xai, Xai, Old_Xai, Padawan_Xai/default_robed, Xai/robed, Old_Xai/robed.
Simply type one of those three names (/model {name}) in the console (shift ~).

Installation: Simply extract the file to your gamedata/base directory like any other skin/model.

Why did I do it: Well everyone should have a personal skin...DUH! :P

Special Thanks: Special thanks goes out to the maker of the epii_obi model, Lucas Arts, and Raven.