Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Big O Skin Pack

By *GR*RogeRSmitH
Date: 01-25-2004




-Small Big O Skin Pack-
Roger Smith Version 3 and Alex Rosewater Version 1

Who is Roger Smith? Roger Smith is a character from The Big O. That's an anime. :)
What's new in version 3? I made the eyebrows look a bit better. I gave him the sun
glasses. The hair has been redone in the back and around the face. I put some lapels
on his suit. I added team support and I added in a few new sounds and a taunt from
the dubbed version of the show. I ended up using some Reborn sounds since he sounds
like Roger and both oftheir voicese are played by Steven J. Blum (David Lucas).
I have not added bot support yet but I might in the future.

Who is Alex Rosewater? He is also a character from The Big O.
Not much to talk about here since this is the only version that I have made of Alex.
Some people might have an earlier version that they got from me over MSN or somethin.
There is team support, new sounds, and no bot support.

Neither of these have been tested on Jedi Academy. I read that there was some kind of
problem in it but there is no way I can fix it until I get a new CD drive. It's
broken.. lol

Installation is easy! Just put the pk3 file in your GAMEDATA\BASE\ folder!



(no longer credited as *GR*RogeRSmitH)
Models: Whoever the hell made it at LucasArts, ACtivision, or Raven.
Skins: PianoBlack*
New Sounds: PianoBlack* (no site), Zola (
Pictures used for skins are from ..

Feel free to tinker with my skins but give some credit to us other people!