Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Chiss Species Pack 2.0

By Kal El
Date: 01-15-2004




Chiss species pack 2.0 for Jedi Academy(works in MP and SP)
Author Information

Author: Kal El aka WhiteShdw(on Lucasforums)

Email Address:

File Information

Title: Chiss Species Pack

File Name: Chiss_species_pack_v2.0.pk3

New Textures: Not really. I edited existing Raven human textures.

New Shaders: Yes. Added shaders for icons and stuff.

Bot Support: Yes, added bot support for the default skins.

Date Of Release: JAN 2004

Description: An MP/SP skin pack for Jedi Academy that adds a new Species. The Chiss(male and female).

Installation Information

Unzip Chiss_species_pack_v2.0.pk3 to your Jedi Academy base directory. The characters should be selectable as a seperate species. If the Chiss don't show up in the menu, try scrolling through the selections with the right mouse button instead.


I am not a skinner. I can't draw or paint. This is not a typical skin. I only recolored the Raven human heads/hands a bit and added red eyes.
I also mixed up the faces a little bit to create a bit more variation in the heads. Combining this with the different head surfaces of the model, I was able to create 8 different head variations. Very minor variations, but still variations.

I also wanted to use them as a seperate species in the game. That is why I put everything in a seperate directory and copied over some of the files from the human male model, most importantly the .glm file. That's one of the reasons the file is this big. I also added the selection text in all the different languages(probably made some translation mistakes :D), but I couldn't figure out how to do it without editing an existing file. The method I used now, is probably not the best one. Hopefully someone figures out a better way.

ps. In the opening cutscene(Where Jaden meets Rosh for the first time), the skins seems to have a blue milk moustache. I don't know what's causing this, and you don't see it in the rest of the game as far as I know.

*Added for version 1.1*

The base Chiss skins haven't changed, but I added some different custom color options. I added some extra skin files for lower sections of the other species. Some of the models use the same surfaces so I ported over some pants skins from one species to another. I also made the Hoth outfit selectable for all species.

I put in some NPC's for those who like to play with them. Their named chiss1, chiss2 and chisscommando.

*Added for version 2.0*

Added Female Chiss this time as well, although I wasn't able to create more than the 3 basic human female heads. I added a bearded face option for all the hair styles in the Male section, taking the headcount for Chiss male up to 12. Added bot support based on the default male and female skins(also added icons for these).

I also put in RGB color support for Rodian NPC's. Raven's Shader files were already setup to make use of this, but for some reason they never implemented it.
Now Rodians will spawn with different colors, same as the Trandoshan and Weequay.

* Copyright / Permissions *

You MAY use this SKIN as a base for other SKINS or mods without my HANDWRITTEN consent(hey, that's what I did). Have fun with them.

You MAY distribute this SKIN, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact, with NO charge (other than incidental charges for time spent on-line).