Razak Skin Pack

By Razak
Date: 11-06-2003




included in this zip is the razak skin pak for jk2 and jk3 it would be best to not get the 2 pk3's

before placing these skinpaks in the base folder of whatever game you play jk2 or jk3 plz be sure
you do not have a skin called razak already.
If you have a skin called razak instaled plz deleat it.
this does not apply to the roboraz skin you dont have to deleat that.

In this skin pak for both games is a number of colors

to get these colored skins in game pull down your console by pressing shift ~ and type

model razak/default
model razak/red
model razak/blue
model razak/yellow
model razak/green
model razak/orange
model razak/purple

Author: Razak
Clan: IKBR
Leader: Ryknow
Email: CmdJRazak@hotmail.com