Disciples of Ragnos Elite Force Member

By ynvaser
Date: 04-06-2009




Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy Modification:
| |
|Disciples of Ragnos Elite Force Member(v1)|
| by |
| ynvaser |
| |

This is a reskin of the Cultist model from Raven Software, included in the base JK3:JA game.
It took me 12 hours alltogether to make this mod, the first mod I've made for Jedi Academy.

How to install: |
>Unzip the contents of the zip file into your "GamedataBase" folder of your game.

What does this thing know: |
>NPC Support (In Singleplayer):
->>For tattooed version open up the console (shift+0), type in "helpusobi 1", after that type
in "npc spawn cultist_black" (without the quotes). This skin has tattoos on the cultist's face and
symbols on it's clotches.
->>For untattooed version open up the console (shift+0), type in "helpusobi 1", after that type
in "npc spawn cultist_black_notattoo". This model has no symbols or tattoos anywhere.

>Bot Support (In Multiplayer):
->>You can fight against this character in Multiplayer while the computer controls it.

>Team Support:
->>You can use this character in multiplayer with all the team colors. The team colors appear as
a tribal sun symbol on the character's left arm, colored to the team's color the char is in.

>New Sounds:
->>This character has new sounds, modified from the Reborn_New sounds, plus some added samples.

>Ultimate coolness:
->>This makes your JK3:JA game worth 3 times more... Okay not really, but it makes cultist model
fans like myself happy. =)

What can you except in v2: |
>A new skin with colored symbols on it's clotches. They are probably going to be white, but still not sure.

Permission: |
>Ask me before using. I will let you use it, but I'd like to know if you do so. You can mail me on
this adress: ynvaser@hotmail.com

Thanks to: |
My parents - For giving me food & stuff.
Myself (ynvaser) - For spending 12 hours on this mod.
You - For reading this, and hopefully, for downloading my mod.

Legal Stuff: |
This modification is not made, distributed, or supported by Activision,
Raven, or LucasArts Entertainment Company llc. Elements tm & c LucasArts
Entertainment Company llc and/or its licensors. If you tought that you are wrong.

Thanks for reading,