
By TheQuark
Date: 07-20-2006




Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

TITLE: Quark_beta
AUTHOR: TheQuark (just call me Quark)
E-MAIL: moltenwater@gmail.com



Lady(s) and/or Gent(s) I introduce to you my first skin, Quark.


It's a rather simple reborn reskin. (YES A REBORN! I know it's a very common model to reskin, but I think it has a unique look... at least *I* havn't seen any other like it.)
You will notice a few things off the top, the various designs on his back would be the first. The next thing you would notice would be the new sounds I made myself. Finally, you will see the new attractive face I created for him.

Ok, this is very complicated and might take a while.

1: First you extract the zip file. (you with me so far?)

2: (this is the part where I lose most people) Next you place the PK3 file in the jedi academy's base folder so it should look something like this. LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\Quark.PK3

Seriously, if you actually had trouble with that then you just might need to take a nap.


I created everything in this skin (unless I used something on accident, which I doubt I did) So, all credit goes to me: Quark


Hope you enjoy the skin, you can find me at the Dark Lords of the Sith ( -|DLS|- ) server or their website.

If you really want to use this skin or its sounds in anything of your own creation, I would appreciate that you would either give me (Quark) credit or that you would ask me first.