Black Hole

By Ranius Neutral
Date: 10-31-2005




//Black Hole multiplayer character by Ranius Neutral//

Author: Ranius Neutral
programs used: adobe Photoshop 7.0
hours needed(to paint): 0,2
hours needed(to figure out the sounds): 2


there are two files in the *.zip file:
-1- black_hole.pk3
-2- readme.txt

you need to put the black_hole.pk3 into your game folder as folows: jedi knights:jedi academy/game data/base

///////////////////////////////////AUHOR'S NOTE

This is a skin, based on the cultist's model.glm

the skin itself is poor. -almost pitch black from head to toe, excluding the eyes i left to give it a look.

The better part of this skin is it's sounds. i mixed up together a lot of unbeingly different things, giving the skin a more mystic aspect.

note this is an experimental skin and was not meant to be top of the line.

For any ideas, problems or anything like that, please contact me on my email.