NaxRal Final

By Thomas Meyer
Date: 10-27-2004




NaxRal Final Readme

skinauthor: Thomas Meyer
modelauthor: Graves and Freeman

Naturally, asgWULF forget to mention in the past two files that NaxRal was a skin I requested him
to skin for me. I sent him sketches I made of Nax and he brought him into JK2, poorly I must admit.
The second one was a vast improvement, but I was still annoyed by his sloppy work. After reading a couple
of skinning tutorials and getting some advice from him I began the week-long process of creating
my version of NaxRal, or Luther Wurzbach. I fine tuned many problems (virtually the whole skin)
and added custom sounds and better team skins. Enjoy!

asgWULF's version 2 readme
Special Thanks,

Jekyll for the Seifer face.
Graves and Freeman for the Dante model.
The creator of the Camo Cultist for the camo textures.
Meush for helping me fix a shader problem.

Mod Name: NaxRal version 2
Author: asgWULF (

Included Team and Bot support

This mod is not supported by LucasArts or Raven.
All downloads are at your own risk.