Reborn Steel

By {OoJ}Vouksh{M}
Date: 10-11-2004




Jedi Academy Modification
Creator: {OoJ}Vouksh{M}

File Size : 1.6 mb
Filename :
Included Files: reborn_steel.pk3 & readme.doc
This is a re-skin of a reborn. I know, I know, your all tired of reborn re-skins. But this is a little bit different. It�s a reborn that looks like he has black body armor on, and under the armor is blue �armor�. The ending effect looks quite cool.

It�s basically a re-skin of Ravages Reborn, with Adobe Photoshop edits :)

Custom Sounds: Yes
Custom Models: No
Custom Shader: Yes

- {OoJ}Vouksh{M}

This mod is not supported by LucasArts or RavenGames. This mod may be used as a base for other mods without the consent of the original author, as long as credit is given.