The Loser

By ChosenOne
Date: 09-16-2004




The Loser

Ok this is my very first skin.....even if its bad i thought i might aswell make something
that everyone will laugh at hopefully

Installation:Extract to gamedata/base and go and play...

IF the picture doesnt show up in your profile just type /model theloser
in the console.

I like to notice this skin as....akward ;), here are some things that are on the skin...
If you look closely enough you will notice his eyes are cross-eyed ;).
On his back (I thought of this because my friends always do it to me)you will see a sticky note that says KICK ME IM STUPID!
And on the bottom of his shoes the pink spot is supposed to be gum stuck to his shoe.
:) heres my favorite thing on the skin i made a superman symbol and put a L (loser)inside of it instead of the S like superman.
Hes a happy sith now :) I put a big smile on his face to cheer him up :D
Everything else on the skin is so stupid that its funny...hope you enjoy it..