Ninja 2

By {NJO}Pilo T
Date: 08-30-2004




Name: Ninja2
Author: {NJO}Pilo T
Version: 2, and probably final
Model: Cultist
New Sounds: Yes
Team Support: Yes (Blue Modified!)
Bot support: Added!
NPC: Added!

This is my Ninja skin, cause Ninjas kick ass.
This is version 2, I�ve read JediOfOne�s review of my previous skin and changed the sleeves and hands of the blue skin, I�ve made the writing on the clothes dimmer on default and blue team, red team is basically unchanged. I learned how to make bots and NPCs soon after finishing my Ron Burgundy skin, so Version 2 has both. This pk3 includes 4 NPCs� Ninja2, which is a normal, player friendly ninja, Evil_ninja2, which is the same as the first only it will attack you and the first NPC, Blue_Ninja2, same as the first NPC only it uses the blue Ninja Skin, and Red_Ninja2� which is the same as Evil_Ninja2 except with the red team skin. The NPCs are lightning quick and spawning 5-10 Blue_Ninja2s and then 5-10 Red_Ninja2s can be fun to watch. This is most likely the final version.

NOTE: The NPCs use Cultist and Reborn sounds because the sounds Ninja2 uses are not good for massive NPC slaughterfests, trust me ;)