Master Zaraz

By Master Zaraz
Date: 07-25-2004




Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy

Black and Silver Revorn
Model Name: Master Zaraz

Author: Ramy Zaza(a.k.a. {OoJ}Master Zaraz{K})


Sounds: No new sounds

Special Thanks: To {OoJ}Vouksh{M}, for his shading and checking which really, helped me
to put this skin together to begin with.
And to {JoO}the_1{C}, who ,somtimes, helped with the painting
and when the skin turned invisible, 1 recoded the whole thing.

Tested by: {OoJ}Infamous{K}, {JoO}the_1{C}, and {OoJ}Vouksh{M}. Thanks for the help on my first skin.

This is my first skin, ever. Sure, I did a reborn_twin inverted for my padawan, but could u really
count that? Well, I'm very proud of my skin and use it to your likings.

Any questions or comments, E-mail me at:, you can also use
that as my MSN, or IM me via AIM, my AIM is ZCowboy90.

After learning that my skin was just somthing that my friend made in two minutes (it was inverted, no skills involved in that!) I decided to make
my own skin.

Story about the making of my skin:

I downloaded a skinning tutorial (thank you whoever made it) and read over it a couple of times.
After reprograming a imperial pilot, I got to work on my skin. Well, at first I wasn't a very deticated
skinner,I started it then a month later I forgot all about it. Well, one of my friends asked if I could make
him a skin. I said,"Sure, I'll just make the one I'm doing right now yours." Well, another month later,
he told me that he made himself a skin and that I didn't need to work on that one any more. I was just
about to delete the whole thing to hell, my recycle bin, i started looking at it. It was originally supposed to
be black and dark green with no shaders. Since I only had done have of the boot, i reextracted it and started
over. In that two month period, I had made myself a signature, and had received Paint Shop Pro 7.0. Being
my stupid self, I used regular old paint. After a little, the boot sucked. I sent it to Vouksh and he asked what
program I was using, and of course I said Paint. He recomended me to Adobe Photoshop, and when I asked where
he got it, he said Walmart. I looked on and it was three hundred bucks! So I went to
and downloaded the trial. I finished my skin at last, and my coding was messed up, so the_1 recoded it by hand!
After we finaly got it to work I had 1 to go in game multiple times to test and take screen shots. It was looking
really good, but not good enough for me. I asked Vouksh if he would put a metallic shader to it. That happened
earlier today and after gracing the skin with my name on the back.

Place this pk3 file from this zip archive into the JKIII/gamedata/base

* Copyright / Permissions *
This model, and the textures that came with it are not to be modified
in any way without the permision of it's creators.


THIS IS IN NO WAY INVOLVED WITH © LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. OR
© Raven Software LTD 2002 OR Activision. THIS IS MY SKIN AND I HAD NO HELP