RJK Trooper

By MrSoda
Date: 06-04-2004




I hope you like this skin, its my first one ^^ anyways, im MrSoda and ur probobly reading this cus ur a noob or cus u wana read a little box that says read me. Anyways, its pretty ez 2 install.

to install place the .pk3 file in your base folder i wont get in depth cus its pretty simple.

this skin is dediacted to the RJK clan, GJM devision, Black saber platoon (phew) but u can still use it ^^ u may notice some crap u cant read, thats 4 decoration (like it? ^^ ) but mainly its says RJK and Black Saber. anyways, this skin looks pretty cool on high graphics mode so check it out ^^ oh ya, thank you for downloading my skin, please come again ^^ (RJK rules!)