
By -=[DK]=-Anthrax
Date: 12-10-2003




ReadME For The Anthrax Skin:
This skin was designed to work for both Jedi Knight Outcast
and also Jedi Knight Academy. The default skin I used was the jeditrainer skin. The skin

has all three things
for default,red team & blue team skin. No custom taunts.
The skin is not a mod & will not overwrite the jeditrainer
default skin.
Installation For Jedi Knight Outcast:
1.Download the file in a zip form (be sure to have the
winzip program & use WinZip Wizard)
2.Once downloaded open the winzip file of the skin, click next.
3.Be sure Unzip or install "" is selected, then hit next.
4.On the next screen push the button that says to select a different
folder. From there open your Local Disk/Program Files/LucasArts/
Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast/GameData/base then push ok.
5.Once that is done you can now hit the Unzip Now button.
6.Close the WinZip program & the skin should work in the game.
Installation For Jedi Knight Academy:
1.Download the file in a zip form (be sure to have the
winzip program & use WinZip Wizard)
2.Once downloaded open the winzip file of the skin, click next.
3.Be sure Unzip or install "" is selected, then hit next.
4.On the next screen push the button that says to select a different
folder. From there open your Local Disk/Program Files/LucasArts/
Star Wars Jedi Knight Academy/GameData/base then push ok.
5.Once that is done you can now hit the Unzip Now button.
6.Close the WinZip program & the skin should work in the game.
Other Info:
The default skin of the jeditrainer & model of the jeditrainer
was made by the LucasArts team. The change to the skin was made
by Blake Lewis (Anthrax) of the -=[Dark Knights]=- clan. Visit
the website at

Thanks & Enjoy!!