Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Celestial Reborn

By Drunkside
Date: 06-17-2007




Celestial Reborn by:

::Okay this is my first skin even though i have been following jkfiles site
for some time.It is for the skinning contest. I used my own technicue which
basically it means that i made the skin white with shades first, then painted
the light blue armor on it. After that, i copied the textures and painted
armor red on them, which created a funny little effect in the corners of red.
Then i copied the red model and painted it blue and again there is a little
red in the corners.

:I didnt include bot support becouse i dont know how to make them.

:I used the symbol of continuing, for some reason it felt good on this
skin. Eyes are chiss eyes painted yellow, the face is normal reborn face, just darker
to bring the eyes out more.And those icons are crappy becouse i really cant draw.

:I know that reborn reskins are the most usual skins you see and many people dont like them,
but i like the hood and wanted to make my first released skin a reborn...

:I also hope you could read this becouse im finnish and english is a foreign language
for me. Im not sure if there even were any spelling mistakes, but i want to apologise
for them.

:I promise to make more skins, but not too soon;)


Install: Unzip the celestial reborn Pk3 to your gamedata/base folder.

Celestial reborn is the basic trooper of the celestial army. It fights demons and
evil spirits all accross this, and other worlds(or so they say). Celestial army has corrupted
leaders but that is never spoken of. Leaders drive only their own goals with the help of
the army. This is usual knowledge to the troops but basically no one says anything becouse
the few brave ones have all disappeared, and they get paid.The high leaders get switched
all the time becouse thy assassinate each other. But the army still protects normal folk,
and that makes the Celestial reborn a hero.
