GI Joe Girls

By BeakerBongload
Date: 04-19-2005




=========================================== Stretch me out ==============================================

GI Joe Female Skin Pack
Model Name: "bar"

Origional Model: Edward Peretti
Skins: <SL>BeakerBongload<SL>


Sounds: Mara_jade model and GI Joe the cartoon.

Concept: 3 Women of the cartoon/comic GI Joe
NOTES: This skinning project turned into a skin pack of sorts. Unfortunatly I was unable to find a woman model with glasses, long hair, and a body suit, so I oped for the long hair over body suit. Glasses are included and look good on the skins but not 3d like I would like them.

I had a bit of trouble getting sound clips for these skins so I have only 1 taunt and the rest are from the Mara Jade skin. Sorry.

BIG thanks to Edward Peretti for his model and sounds. Allso thanks to him for making this skin so easy to skin.Allso thanks to all the people who download this.

Baroness(default skin) Bio:
Cobra Intelligence Officer
File Name: Classified
Alias: Anastasia DeCobray
Primary Military Specialty: Intelligence Operative
Birthplace: Classified

It is believed that BARONESS received her training in espionage and sabotage at an exclusive training facility run by a former Warsaw Pact intelligence agency. Although she is officially the head of all COBRA intelligence operations, she also has old ties and loyalties to DESTRO, who has his own business and interests outside of COBRA. BARONESS denies that this is an ethical conflict. How can it be? She has no ethics to speak of. The BARONESS is a world-class expert in cryptography, psychological warfare and bio-chemical skin-irritants. She consistently places third in the annual COBRA combat pistol championship, but this is no mean feat considering that DESTRO always places second. But in her arrogance she believes that her failure to secure the gold medal is due to political favoritism rather than the quality of her marksmanship.

�I hate the GI JOE team. Who do they think they are? What makes them so special? And they dress so badly!�

Chameleon (Blue skin) Bio:
Cobra Intelligence Officer
File Name: Classified
Alias: Anastasia DeCobray
Primary Military Specialty: Intelligence Operative
Birthplace: Classified

The Adopted daughter of french revolutionarys, Chameleon traced her lineage and discovered she was the illegitimate half sister of Baroness, Cobras top intelligence Officer. When a Cobra night attack left Baroness severly burned and in need of extensive facial plastic surgery, Chameleon seized the oprotunity to present herself to the GI Joe team in hopes of thwarting the evil actions of her spoiled sister and her aligned Cobra Forces. She underwent plastic surgery to mirror her sisters new appearance and led a kidnap mission to capture the Baroness, who is now incarcerated in a federal prison in Duluth, Acting as a secret agent for the GI Joes, Chameleon has assumed the role of Baroness in the Cobra legions, secretly sabotaging thier missions and foiling their efforts to take over the world.

Scarlett (Red Team skin) Bio:
Counterintelligence Agent

File Name: O'Hara, Shana M.
SN: RA24-29-7634
Primary Military Specialty: Counterintelligence
Secondary Military Specialty: Classified
Birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia
Grade: E-5

SCARLETT may seem open and friendly on the outside, but most of her past is cloaked in secrecy and the only GI JOE team member who truly knows what is in her heart is SNAKE EYES � and he�s not telling. What is known is her proficiency in several martial arts, her skill with the crossbow and the fact that she graduated summa cum laude from a prestigious Ivy League university. One of the things that SCARLETT can�t keep secret is her revulsion to the COBRA venom program that produces hybrid warriors who have had their DNA recombined with that of wild animals. She has acquired her skills and strength naturally, through study and hard work, and disdains those who use artificial means to attain the same goals.

�I�m not just one of the �guys;� I�m better.�


Place this pk3 file from this zip archive into the JK3/gamedata/base/ directory

*Information *

bots no
Custom sounds Yes
New NPCs no

* Copyright / Permissions *
This skin is in no way to be modified
in any way without the permision of <SL>BeakerBongload<SL>.
The characters Baroness, Chameleon and Scarlett are copywrite of Hasbiro.
Mara Jade Read me included unaltered in the PK3

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