Playing Jedi Academy in 2025




Title Version Author
Android Suibuku
Ashura's Felucia rancor (1.0) 1.0 AshuratheHedgehogDX
Black Rebel Jedi_HM2
Black Rebel (Fix) Jedi_HM2
Camo Rebel Forogorn
Camo Stormtrooper Forogorn
Chan Reborn cwt624
Chaos Warrior (v1) v1 cwt624
Christmas Obi-Wan Bugged
Clone Trooper Wolfpack (1.0) 1.0 stcommander
Cloned Starkiller (1.0) 1.0 TFU2
Cosmic Jawa 1.0 SWmufinownzSW
Cultist Reskin (BETA) BETA GoodJawa
Dalendrion (1) 1 Dalendrion
Darker Kyle -Ellimar-
Epic Boba Fett Jedi_HM2
Female Mandalorian (1.2) 1.2 Xin2121
Female_Mandalorian (1.0) 1.0 Xin2121
Fire Element v2 (2) 2 ArkantoS15
General Rahm Kota (1.0) 1.0 armand22
Good Jawa (v2.0) v2.0 GoodJawa
Imperial Assassin (v3.0) v3.0 GoodJawa
Instant Skin! Quality still not included! (2.0) 2.0 Ekalektiktik
Jedi Ugnaught (1.0) 1.0 vortexthewizard
Julio's Texture Overhaul (Alpha Teaser (0.0.1)) Alpha Teaser (0.0.1) JulioC
Jurancor Park Guard Acko1255
Lord Militus Buz (jkbuzzy)
Mandalorians after KotOR (1.0) 1.0 Xin2121
monotone reborn Rolyat137
New Stormtrooper Forogorn
Nihilus_combat Aiing ti
Nug's Racto Skin (v1.0) v1.0 Barkir
Pande's Dark Reborn (1) 1 Pande
Shadow Reborn New GIJoke
Sintra Messon - Journey to the Dark Side (1.0) 1.0 Darth Aesthetica
skippy pet (first) first vlad443
Slender.pk3 Mars_Ultor
Snow Kyle Forogorn
Snow Mandalorian Forogorn
Special Forces cwt624
Special Forces (v2) v2 cwt624
Star Killer (1.2) 1.2 Xin2121
StarKiller New (Beta) Beta Xin2121
stormtrooper black reskin (v1) v1 Jedi_HM2
SW: TOR Sith Lord Improved MRhunt
TFU Rancor (1.0) 1.0 armand22
The Imperial Skins (V1.0) V1.0 Darth_Mak
White Mage costumes HOUOU
Wizard (1.0) 1.0 vortexthewizard