Kingdom Hearts II Sora Sounds

By Cloudstrife56
Date: 07-17-2008



FILE NAME: KH2 Sora Sounds.pk3
CREATOR: Cloudstrife56
REQUIREMENTS: Sora by Shady-D (;57652)

TO INSTALL: Put the pk3 in the base folder, or put the sounds in the pk3 (the sound/chars/Sora/misc/ folder)

TO UNINSTAL: Remove the pk3 or remove sounds from the pk3 Sora file

DESCRIPTION: This will finally get Sora's sounds up to date! These KH2 sounds are NOT ripped, and are edited off of movies. The PK3 will A: automaticlly work or B: you must put them in the Sora pk file.

LEGAL STUFF: This mod is not liscensed or endorsed by Lucasarts, Square-Enix, or Disney.

Bugs: Sound doesn't work in the PK3 (how to make them work is described above in the INSTALLATION section)