Jedi Academy Reloaded 1.4

By Orion_
Date: 02-08-2005



::Author Info::
Name: Orion

- Windows
Create a directory like this:
X:\Path\to\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\reload where 'X:\Path\to\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\'
is the path where you installed Jedi Academy. Now you can start the server with the '+set fs_game reload' argument.

jampDed +set fs_game reload +set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg +exec reloaded.cfg This will start your server,
load the reload mod, made the server dedicated and be listed on the master servers. Then exect the two config files,
to configure your server.

- Linux
Where ever your installation of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is, for example: '/home/orion/ja/gamedata'
In '/home/orion/ja/gamedata' create a directory 'reload', or extract the reload folder from the .tar.gz archive.
If you created the directory, extract the files from the reload directory in th archive, to '/home/orion/ja/gamedata/reload' .
You may also need to overwrite the file in your base folder. Now you can start the server with the '+set fs_game reload' argument

./linuxjampded +set fs_game reload +set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg +exec reloaded.cfg This will start your server,
load the reload mod, make the server dedicated and be listed on the master servers. Then exec the two config files, to configure your server.

This mod is the official mod for the Jedi Academy. A server-side only modification designed to keep the peace and order on the servers.
With that in mind, I set out and improved this mod with the way I wanted it to in the past. It's loaded with Admin Commands,
Client Commands, Options, and cVars; Extremely modified to meet any clans expectations. This is truly the only mod you will ever need to
use that doesn't alter the normal gameplay of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy® Please visit us at, or chat with us on IRC at #jedi-academy or #ja-reloaded @

::New In This Version::
---New Features---
* Return of Protect from the Jedi Academy Mod.
* Added amdmginfo which will display if the servers run a modified damage setting from basejk.
* Added ProtectGun/UnprotectGun.
* Added duel time to the Private Duel Stats, is in the format mm:ss.
* Added amteleme/jkteleme - teleports the admin who executed the command to the given x,y,z,yaw coordinates.
* Added amffduelchallenge, to allow for Full Force Private Duels.
o Players in duel do not do damage, or absorb health/force when using force to any none dueler near them. The same goes for non duelers using force near two Full Forcer duelers.
o Player not in a duel do not do damage, or absorb health/force when using force, and are near FF duelers.
o g_mFFPrivateDuels MUST be set to 1 to use.
o Recommended to bind amffduelchallenge to a key.

* Added a few emotes: amsit, amsit2, amwait, amjig, and amquiet. Enabled/Disable emotes with cVar.
* Added commands to add/removed and list both the Profanity List and Bad Names List.
o maddprof, mremprof, mlistprof, maddname, mremname, mlistnames

* Extended the use of g_mDuelStats CVar, setting it to 1 shows stats to only the two duelers, setting it to 2 shows stats to all players.
* Extended the profanity filter that allows for it to be applied to names, using a cVar to enable the extention.
* Extended the use of the \tell command. It can now take in player's names instead of just client ids.
* Removed the g_mFlipKick, until I decide if I want it back in and 100% working.
* Removed mvstr, due to extreme exploit that existed in the command.
* Improved damage issues found in Linux and Windows servers.
o The Linux version is now compiled with the tools used by Raven to make the base

* Improved kick and kick ban, made the <reason> argument optional, if a reason is not given the kick message cVar value is used instead. The client is notified that they are about to be kicked, and a CVar controlled time delay will show them the warning for that many seconds and count down, then kick them.
* Added an alias so admins no longer have to bring down the console to do amsay or mpsay.
o To do mpsay from the chat modes, simply use the team chat mode, add a @ to the front of the message. example: "say @ hi admins" With out the "" and there MUST be a space after @.
o To do amsay from the chat modes, simply use the normal chat mode, add a @ to the front of the message. example: "say_team @ hi admins" With out the "" and there MUST be a space after @.

* Fixed projectile deflection, thanks to Andrew "Mushroom" Kerr, for the fix.
* Fixed issue in Profanity Filter where it would filter out words like, "class", "bass", "Good Fight", "^1class".
* Fixed bug in Profanity Filter where it would no filter curse words with multipule colors.
* Fixed the bug with g_mAllowTeamSuicide not letting player \kill with this set to 1.
* Fixed the bug where doing "\ignore all" or "\mrename all <name>" would crash the server. Those commands are not ment to be used with the keyword 'all'.
* Fixed wall grab bug, where doing a grab on a incline would cause the player to slide up the surface.
* Fixed bug in a few commands where not giving all the arguments would cause a full screen message to still be printed.
* Fixed basejk bug with voting that cause to overwrite the lockteam values, so locking teams seemed to be broken.
* Fixed bug with sleep, where the player would not be ejected from a vehicle. Thanks to cHoSeN-oNe.
* Fixed bug with \ignore, someone not being ignored and just doing '\ignore' ignoring a random person.
* Fixed bug with spectators not being kicked until they leave spectator.
* Fixed bug where admin specing another player would result in message to admin been shown to person they are specing.
* Fixed bug where the locking and unlocking of a team would not be broadcasted to everyone in the server.
* Improved random team picking.
* Improved the wampa sounds. Thanks to cHoSeN-oNe.
* Players cannot change their names when they are silenced.
* Updated jar_admin.cfg to reflect the new admin gun additions.
* Made the number of vehicles to 64.

---New Cvars---
* g_mSilentWhois - To control whether admin's see who is logged in or both clients and admin's.
* g_mNoAdminSpec - Allows for clients to not spec admins.
* g_mMessageUnProtectEveryone - Message to broadcast when unprotecting all.
* g_mMessageUnProtectBroadcast - Message to broadcast when uprotecting a client, seen by all.
* g_mMessageUnProtectTarget - Message to broadcast when unprotecting a client, seen only by the client.
* g_mMessageProtectEveryone - Message to broadcast when protecting everyone.
* g_mMessageProtectBroadcast - Message to broadcast when protecting a client, seen by all.
* g_mMessageProtectTarget - Message to broadcast when protecting a client, seen only by the client.
* g_mDuelDistance - A value for how far the Duelers can get away from each other before the duel is broken.
* g_mFFPrivateDuels - Allows for Full Force Private Duels.
* g_mEmotes - Sets the allowed emotes for a server, using a bit mask value. Just like the g_mKnightCommands and g_mAdminCommands CVars.
* g_mPushItems - Allows Clients to push/pull all items, brought over from JA Mod.
* g_mProfCheckNames - Check names from a list of 'bad' names. From a file badnames.lst
* g_mSwitchTeamTime - Allows for the adjustment for how long before a client can switch to a different team.
* g_mNameChangeTime - Allows for the adjustment for how long before a client can change their name.
* g_mKickDelayTime - Time to delay before the player is kicked.
* g_mKickMessage - The default kick message if a reason is not given.
* g_mMaxDetandMine - The number of Dets or Mines that can be placed before they start to disappear.

---Misc Info---
* Added an Bit mask Calculator for enabling and disabling of admin commands, and emotes. Works with all versions of JAR.
* d_saberGhoul2Collision, d_saberAlwaysBoxTrace, d_saberBoxTraceSize, are once again cheat restricted, seemed to be a player in the damage issues.
* More new features and a restructuring of the admin system coming in next version.
* !version now displays the build date of the MOD.
* Modified how amsay is displayed to admins. ^3(name^7[rank]:^3) ^5message is the new display format.