Movie Stances 1.0

New version available! Find it here.

By Avadann Kedeth
Date: 08-17-2004




][Movie Stances 1.0][

Author- Avadann Kedeth (

Important note: you must remove other animation mods you may have from the base folder for this one to work properly.

Notes: Ths mod changes some of the saber animations in JA. This can be a server side or client side mod. If used on a server, those who have the mod will see the new stances and altered moves. If used only by the client on a non-pure server, the client will see the new stances and altered moves without interfering with the server or other players. Please note that if used only by the client the actual contact point of the saber is still whatever the server is running, however this is highly seamless.

Version 1.0 includes:

-New single saber stances
-Strong: Darth Maul single blade near the end of duel of the fates
-Medium: Overhead katana stance used by Anakin and Dooku in episode 2
-Fast: One-handed stance used by Obi-wan in episode 3 (if you've seen the leaked footage)
-New dual kata (the popular dual saber throw)
-Old dual kata now used as a dual taunt
-New lunge/uppercut (force stab)
-New fast taunt
-Hilt Bash swapped with front kick

This mod was made with the SDK using Raven's own source animations

Installation: Unzip into Gamedata\base folder

All likenesses and contents are property of their respective owners.