Jedi Academy: Reloaded (1.2 Win Installer)

By cHoSeN oNe
Date: 12-13-2003




Title: Jedi Academy Reloaded - Windows Installer

Version: 1.2

Author: cHoSeN oNe

File: JAR_Setup.exe

Size: 7.77MB

md5 Checksum: 5ca9009f0297bc09219530f830cbe1c9



Description: This is the windows installer for JA Reloaded 1.2.

1) Full Install - All mod components, Ja Dedicated server, JAR Start-up screen.

2) Custom Install - you can choose what components.

Highlighted Features:

Server Admins can now pick and choose what commands they wish to allow their "am" and "jk" level admins to use.
g_mAdminCommands - cVar bit value to determine which "am" commands are allowed for their admins.
g_mKnightCommands - cVar bit value to determine which "jk" commands are allowed for their knights.
rcon admin can always execute the commands even if they are disabled to other admins.
aminfo - now prints commands that are accessable to admin, instead of just commands in the mod.
amhelp - now prints commands help to the admins pending if they are accessable to them.
New IP Range Banning Admin Command ( mbanrange)
g_mDebugEmpower - Will enforce the "No Force" rule and will not allow empowered clients to have force.
Spectator Followers can now be kicked, banned, etc. without affecting others.
mvstr - command that allows you to choose which map you want in the rotation, without disrupting the order.
mnextmap - executes next map available in rotation.
Most default settings that were in reloaded.cfg are now hardcoded into mod for faster and easier configuration.
mnpcaccess does not give client access to cheats.
You can now use clients names for assigning mnpcaccess/mnpcnoaccess.
g_mAdminGun - Enables/Disables AdminGun system. (includes script)
g_mAllowTeleFlag - default is enabled, if set to 0, clients cannot teleport during CTF and CTY gameplay.
New BanIP.dat file stores banned ip's. Full use of 2048 saved ips activated!
Tweaked the whois command a little again to make it more stable.
g_mGiveAdmin - if set to 1, you can grant an admin access level to anyone on the server.
madminaccess, mdenyadminaccess - commands for granting/denying admin access to clients.
Enable/Disable use of black color names.
New logout function - to logout as an admin or knight.
Ignore - ignore certain clients from chatting so you dont have to listen to them.
Sleeping clients can no longer use the \kill command.