First Person Lightsaber Mod

By Nemios
Date: 06-27-2004




| First Person Lightsaber MOD |
| by Nemios |

* Features:
This little MOD adds the possibility to play in first person while using the
lightsaber in the Jedi Academy story mode (SP game). All you have to do is set
a few keyboard keys to switch point of view (POV) and copy the provided PK3
file in your base folder.

* Instructions:
1) Copy the provided PK3 file in your base folder.
2) Open your jaconfig.cfg file and add these lines at the bottom.

bind <yourkey> "playermodel fpls;cg_thirdPersonRange 0;cg_thirdPersonVertOffset 0;cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp 1;cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp 1"
bind <yourkey> "playermodel player;reset cg_thirdPersonRange;reset cg_thirdPersonVertOffset;reset cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp;reset cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp"

Remember to substitute the word <yourkey> with a valid and free key.
For example:

bind F12 "playermodel fpls;cg_thirdPersonRange 0;cg_thirdPersonVertOffset 0;cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp 1;cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp 1"
bind F11 "playermodel player;reset cg_thirdPersonRange;reset cg_thirdPersonVertOffset;reset cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp;reset cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp"

* Known bugs:
- To use Force Speed you have to switch to the normal third person or your
vision is screwed until the speed effect ends.
- When you start a new level you may have to set first person one
more time to load the proper trasparent model.

* Technical notes:
The workaround consists in creating a new NPC with the same charachterists of
the player except the model, which is Kyle's with a partially transparent
skin. I chose Kyle only because in Jedi Outcast is the only trasparent skin
but another model would have been fine too. I also chose to keep the legs
since they usually don't obscure your vision.

* Hints and tips:
If you want to play in first person in Multiplayer (MP game) I suggest you to
use OJP Basic MOD from Open Jedi Project Team. This MOD fixes some game
glitches not related with the gameplay and adds a True View feature, much
better than the workaround used by me. Unfortunetly it is not possible to
apply True View to the SP part of the game, so for the story mode you still
have to use my little MOD. Visit to have more info
and download OJP Basic MOD.

Have fun!