|JM| Jedi Masters Interface and HUB mod

By <|FeaR|>Rockefeller
Date: 12-03-2003




|JM| Jedi Masters Interface and Hub Mod

Author :
Nickname : Lord Rockefeller aka <|FeaR|>Rockefeller
Website : <|FeaR|>'s is http://www.jk2fear.com .. Or do you want |JM|'s, which is http://jmjedimasters.cjb.net
E-Mail : lordrockefeller@hotmail.com ... You can contact |JM| from thier forums

Installation Instructions :
Open the .zip file and put the .pk3 file into your base folder the default spot for this folder is C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base

File Info :
This mod will change a few things, and ONE MAJOR thing.
I toke {DX}'s hub and toke the red background from, The credit goes to {DX} Caladien for his/her {DX} Hub Redone found at http://pcgamemods.com/2701
I changed the consoles background to have |JM| Jedi Masters writing on it.
I changed the left hub to have Jedi on the top, |JM| in the middle, and Masters on the buttom
I changed the health bar (not the sheild or blue part, just the health bar) to be brighter
I changed the right hub to have Jedi on the top, |JM| in the middle, and Masters on the buttom (NOTE : I CHANGED THE GAMES PROGRAMING TO USE A DIFFENT HUB THEN THE ONE IT DOES (Normaly the game takes the left hub, flips it and then puts the force and ammo amount on thier, and when i made this mod, the Jedi on the top, |JM| in the middle, and Masters on the buttom was backwards, so i programed the game to use a diffent one and madea new hub for right side.) IF YOUR GAME STARTS TO CRASH OR IF ERRORS APPER, UNINSTALL THIS FILE AS SO AS POSSIBLE!, I tested this file on other pcs and they did not crash but he warned.