Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

AWP Commando - Sniper Rifle (1.0)

By Techno_Logical
Date: 10-24-2008
Version: 1.0




10th October 2008
AWP Commando Rifle
Created by Techno Logical
Build Time: 1 week (give or take)
File Size:666kb

This is my first game mod, basically it replaces the Tenloss DXR-6 Disruptor rifle in the game with a AWP Snimper rifle. The model is completely custom made with the skins sourced from various online resources. I would like to thank however JaKaL as the arm texture featured with the model was just to brilliant to pass up not putting it on my own design, it also provided me with the inspiration to create a weapon mod of this kind.

The model uses custom sounds sourced from actual recordings of the weapon which really give the user the feel that they are using a high powered rifle. It still uses the old effects though as I was unsure how to go about editing them. Anyhow, seeing as this is my first mod, please send some feedback from any users of this mod.

Email me at


Custom Sounds
Custom textures (except for the arm)
First Person Animation
Replaces disruptor rifle
Custom strings
Updated Hud and interface

Known Issues

The model still uses the old effects from the disruptor rifle (laser flash) and during the first person animation a small portion of the arm becomes invisible. It is a fairly simple problem but since the animation was causing me soo much stress I decided to leave it be. Also, if you are using any other mods that edit the english.str file, their names may be reverted to the default setting.


Add the AWP_Commando.pk3 to your jediknight "base" directory usually found in:
C:Program FilesLucasArtsStar Wars Jedi Knight Jedi AcademyGameDatabase
To uninstall simply delete the pk3.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to JaKaL for the brilliant arm skin and to Raven/Lucasarts for creating such a prime game.

Legal Issues

Lucasarts, Raven and Activision do NOT support the use of this file in any way
and neither they, nor I will be held responsable for any errors it may cause

I have run extensive tests and i have encountered no problems in using
this file apart from the bugs stated above!!!

Please feel free to edit and/or improve this mod and include it in any mod you are making, just leave me some credit for making the model and include this readme.
