Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Stargate Jaffa Pack (1.0)

By Hirman
Date: 04-20-2012
Version: 1.0




Jedi Academy: Models: Model Packs
Model Name: "xJaffaPack1.pk3", "xJaffaPack2.pk3" (verson 1.0)

Author: Hirman (Offspring)


Stargate Program - Epsilon Site V2.0


The Stargate Jaffa pack includes customizable jaffa Serpent guards and my favorite character, Teal'c based off of the stargate SG1 series. Not only that, but I also included the Horus and Anubis jaffa that inspired SG1 from the original stargate movie. The pack comes with new textures, models, sounds, bot support, NPC support, and SP support. while there is room to expand this pack. I may not have time to finish all the bells and whistles for ya. If you want to learn how you can. You can always ask on the forum.



Place this pk3 file from this zip archive into the Lucasarts/Star Wars Jedi Academy/gamedata/base/ folder.

LOD support - NO

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This model, and the textures that came with it are not to be modified
in any way without the permission of it's creator.

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