The Parable of Foot-in-Mouth

By Nefarious Guy
Date: 04-06-2007




File Name: The Parable of Foot-in-Mouth

Developer: Nefarious Guy

Developer's email:

Amorphous Blob Productions Website:

Installation Instructions: Download and double click the icon to start the movie.
Windows Media Player is required.

Running Time: 10 minutes and 15 seconds.

Description: Told in the style of an ancient epic, "The Parable of Foot-in-Mouth" is a new
film from the creators of "Star Wars Gangsta Rap: JKA Edition" and "Showdowns: Episode I:
The Imperial, the Jawa, and the Wookie". Featuring an original score by Betafish.

Story: On a windy night on the planet Tatooine, a tusken elder tells an ancient tale about the
not-so-bright young warrior Foot-in-Mouth, who was sent into the desert as part of his
passage into manhood. Harken to his story and take heed...

Notes: "The Parable of Foot-in-Mouth" takes place in the alternate Star Wars universe of "Showdowns"
where Tatooine is one of several frontier worlds reminiscent of the American Wild West.

Credits: Written and directed by Nefarious Guy. Richard Grove as Elder. Gary Chaboya as Foot-in-Mouth.
Eevos Kohl as Cactus Poacher. Music composed by Betafish.
Special thanks to ObiWanKenody and Drivel.

COPYRIGHT 2007 Amorphous Blob Productions
This film is not to be modified in any way without my permission.