Silent Hill Preview Video

By Jenova*Rebirth*
Date: 02-26-2007



Silent Hill video preview by Jenova*Rebirth*

Map is for JK3

Well it has been almost a year since my last map release and I
most people thought I had given up but I sent in this preview
video to show exactly what I have really been upto. Whilst the video
shows a very incomplete map the map is now very much into its
final stages.

The reason I made a video of the old unfinished map was to
limit how much i showcased and making sure I didnt accidentally
show something I want to keep hidden untill release.

This is my first ever attempt at making a video so it may
rate quite poor but i did my best and I hope you can enjoy it.

The map will arrive in the 1st half of april and will include
alot more than the video shows off.

I hope you enjoyed this little preview and when the map is
released you enjoy that also.
