War Of The Games Teaser Trailer

By Jebus
Date: 08-09-2006




War Of The Games Teaser Trailer

Title: War Of The Games Teaser Trailer
Author: RosieJAM
Email: darksidejebus@hotmail.com (add me to MSN if you like)
File Size: 4.88 mb

I was bored and I decided to make a movie; so made a trailer first.
This is about every video game I have got. I will seperate each movie into episodes.
There will be around 5-8 episodes. I will only keep doing them if they get good comments.
If you guys want to see a game in War Of The Games, tell me and I will see if I can do that game.


Thertical Trailer is comming soon. Stay tuned.


Just download it and watch it on your media player.


P.S. There will be a page on www.wikipedia.com about War Of The Games (**SPOILERS**)