Episode II - The Darkness Consumes Trailer

By Darth Angelus
Date: 08-28-2005



Title: Episode II - The Darkness Consumes Trailer
Author: Darth Angelus
Website: http://www.das-entertainment.com/
Email: darth.angelus@gmail.com

Filename: TDC_Teaser.avi
Filesize: 5.2mb
Released: 25th August 2005

Here is the full trailer for The Darkness Consumes. More of the plot is revealed, but
not much, I don't want to spoil the surprises.

The story begins shortly before the Thrawn Trilogy, we get to see why Thrawn needed to
find another Dark Jedi in those books and how he took control of the Empire. Of course
there is much more to it than that.

The movie will be released in September.

Credits cannot be compiled fairly until the film is complete.