The Battle Of Hoth III

By MaceCrusherMadunusus
Date: 08-01-2005



An MC Video Production

The Battle Of Hoth III (MedRes)
Author: <:MJC:>OwnerMace^F
Players: ^Skinner=GOA=, <:MJC:>Aurora/ SoC^Aurora, {WoN}Rusty[L], & =GoL=Remix
Website: Not available quite yet
Game used: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

This is an MC Game Video production

-Yes I know this isnt really a big movie. But a small video of a a small game i had going on with a few friends. We used one of the sp maps of JK3

Please note this movie had no script and was only a short game we made into a mslal movie.

Here it is.

Thanks to -{MC}-Video and all for coming and all you guys out there viewing my short video!

Quote from Skinner in the comments (Boh3-Trailer)

"hey guys.. if you dont know this is skinner=goa= (yes the one in the movie as Rebel 1) if you liked the trailer you'll probably like the movie. but its mostly just a few guys and myself shooting eachother over and over. but i guess if you like total madness then this should suit you for a while. and as you probably know we had no script or plot we just was having fun and we asked mace to film it for us so we could remember it.. it was a lot of fun and thanks mace for doing it for us. plus i agree with mace we might be doing this another time and we might plot it out and make a real movie. the real reason i'd say we didnt script or make it really good is that we only had a few people and only 1 camera man.. hehe. hope you all like the movie. The Battle of Hoth III coming July 2005. see you then Skinner"

And I think thats explains alot. Thanks!