"Showdowns: Episode I" Teaser Trailer

By Nefarious Guy
Date: 07-20-2005



File Name: "Showdowns: Episode I The Imperial, The Jawa and the Wookiee" Teaser Trailer

Developer: {SITH}DarthTyranus[SL]

Developer's email: DarthTyranus1@aol.com

Installation Instructions: Download and double click the icon to start the movie.
Windows Media Player is required.

Running Time: 1 minute and 59 seconds.

Description: This is a teaser trailer for the first episode of the Showdowns series, a comedic western spoof that
follows the Jawa with Noname on his adventures across the galaxy. In episode I, the Jawa with Noname must face off
against Muriel the green wookiee and his gang of thugs.

Story: It is a dark time for Tatooine. Wookiee gangs, led by the evil green Muriel, run rampant, terroizing the local
population of jawas, beggers, and smelly beings. Many merchants have stopped coming to Tatooine for fear of meeting these
terrible foes, leading to a stock market crash. A shuttle has been dispatched by Captain Egger to investigate but the only
hope for Tatooine may lie in a small bundle of brown clothes and beady yellow eyes...

Credits: Special thanks to Drivel, Xotli, Kronos and the rest of the excellent cast.
I couldn�t have done it without you. Story by {SITH}DarthTyranus[SL] and Drivel.

This film is not to be modified in any way without my permission.