Head Hunter

By -JN-MasterLimit
Date: 08-09-2004



File Name: Head Hunter

developer's email: Nolimit760@comcast.net

Installation Intructions: Download and double click the icon to start the movie.
Windows Media Player is required.

Running time: 5 minutes 5 seconds

Description: This is the first movie of the Head Hunter series.

Story: a man named Head Hunter is sent on a mission to destroy the rebel base and stop
the rebels from building a prison to hold Head Hunter's followers he battles storm troopers and finally
a boss type person named Captain Blade

Credits: This movie was made possible by FRAPS (www.fraps.com). Id like to thank Desperado for making my movie much better with his skills and [RoAR] Desperado for
providing a server for filming. Id like to thank Kotormrjay for his excellent map (Kotor Flight School) which we used
in the movie as
as The Rebel Base, Most importantly, I'd like to thank all the actors that participated in this movie for
their patience, obedience, and great acting! Nice work.

COPYRIGHT 2004 [RoAR] Master Limit Productions
This film is not to be modified in any way without my permission.