{SITH} Movie (2.0)

By Nefarious Guy
Date: 02-26-2004
Version: 2.0



File Name: {SITH} Movie 2.0
Developer: {SITH}DarthTyranus[SL]

Developer's email: DarthTyranus1@aol.com

Installation Intructions: Download and double click the icon to start the movie.It required Windows Media Player.

Description: This is a recruiting video for people interested in joining a clan. I made another {SITH} recruiting video
a long time ago but it was crap. Therefore, I started from scratch and made this version.

The {SITH} Clan is unique in that it is a very flexible clan. If you come up with an idea for a new division and
it is approved,you are appointed head of that division and incharge of its activities.

Running Time: 3 minutes and 6 seconds

Known Bugs: The {SITH} Clan is divided up into divisions to meet the interests of our members. On many computers
it is hard to read the descriptions of these divisions. Therefore, for your convenience,
I will list what it says below:


The {SITH} Council: Central administrative unit of the clan made up of the leaders of the divisions along
with a few other positions.

The {SITH} Ambassadors: Clan alliances, diplomatic relations, arranging clan wars.

The {SITH} Academy: Saber, weapons, force, and hand to hand combat training.

The {SITH} Council Guard: Body guards, jailers, law enforcement, elite troops.

The {SITH} Assassins: Covert ops, spying, reconaissance, assassinations.

The {SITH} Guild: Mapping, skinning, modeling, film production, graphics and logos.

Credits: The skins that you see in the film were created by {SITH}Blade[MSL] and {SITH}*SJ*[T]. The map
that you see in the montage of screenshots is created by {SITH}Racer. The desktop wallpapers that you see in the film were
created by {SITH}DarthTyranus[SL], {SITH}Blade[MSL], and {SITH}*SJ*[T]. All of these people are members of the {SITH} Guild.

This movie is not to be modified in any way without my permission.