Mindwarp (1.0)

By Ataris
Date: 10-29-2008
Version: 1.0




Game: Jedi Academy

Title: Mindwarp
Version: 1.0

Author: Ataris21
Email: mr.booth2145@gmail.com
Website: http://josh.cipherblog.net/
Completion date: October 26, 2008

Description: A medium-sized map located inside a grid with lots of glowing parts. It looks a lot like Tron. The one secret of this map lies in the obnoxiously massive red Megadome, which can be found by very curious people. It really has nothing to do with Star Wars. Not for the faint-of-heart video cards.

Version history:


Created the map.

Installation: Copy and paste the pk3 file into the folder named "base" within your Jedi Academy directory.

All rights reserved to Ataris21, do not use anything in this mod without my emailed consent. Thank you for downloading.

All content in this mod was created by Ataris21 and is as such subject to no claims by Raven or LucasArts.